Chance Encounter

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Logan's POV

I feel nothing. My mother said it would change one day, but I don't believe her. It's been 16 years, 13 hours, 33 minutes and 28 seconds, 29 seconds, 30 seconds, well you get it. Today is the first day of high school and my mother tells me to be hopeful that I might find someone but I do not know hope. I feel nothing. I've been staring at my ceiling waiting for my alarm to sound for exactly 2 hours, 33 minutes, 29 seconds, 30 seconds, 31 seconds—

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep*

I slam the stop button on my alarm and get out of bed. I walk to my bathroom and begin my morning routine and begin my walk to school. When I get to school I begin walking towards the building. So many people I think. Ugh but then a boy slips on a pebble and I run and catch him. He has deep purple hair that looks natural and deep black eyes he's wearing black eyeshadow, a patchwork hoodie, and headphones around his neck. "I'm so sorry" he says. "I-I-I" I say. Why can't I form sentences? "Virgil come on," says a small boy wearing round glasses with a blue shirt and a cardigan wrapped around his neck. "We're gonna be late for class." "Oh right, bye thanks for saving me from that fall." The boy apparently named Virgil said. Is this what love feels like? But before I can comprehend what just happened a boy wearing a white shirt with a red sash comes up and slaps me. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!"

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