𝘈 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵

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Chapter 6

Logan's POV

I walked into the cafeteria after class for lunch to look around looking for Virgil, but I didn't see him. Instead I saw the boy from this morning...What was his name?









oh...I believe it was...

Roman. And he had already caught wind of my presence. As I started walking away to continue looking for my cru- Virgil. Roman had already showed up behind me. He was like a character I read about in an informational book about a fandom that was titled SCP. I believe if I remember correctly he seemed like SCP-173. In the book, the SCP moved incredibly fast when not in the direct line of sight to someone or something. It showed up behind the characters and broke their necks when it got close enough. Luckily Roman didn't break my neck, or try to, most-likely because we were surrounded by around a hundred students. Most of which were eating lunch. "Hi Calculator-Watch!" Roman said behind me, to which I sighed and turned around. "What do you require assistance with Roman?" I asked allowing my annoyance to seep into my voice, something that I didn't normally do. "I wanted to know what you were doing, and if you wanted to maybe hang ou–" "No," I cut him off in the most monotone tone I had ever used.
"I believe that I already told you that I do not wish to waste any of my time with you, and I don't believe that we're friends, so what i'm doing shouldn't be important to you." I said as monotone as ever. "..." Roman didn't seem to have any type of reply to what I had said. So while he was stunned, I took my chance and walked away to look for Virgil.

Deceit's POV

When I walked into school I was a few seconds behind Virgil. After making it onto school grounds I started walking towards the incinerator, since that's where me, my best friend, and my gang normally hang out. When I rounded my final corner I saw Remus, my best friend, looking directly at me. Which wasn't at all out of the ordinary, the rest of what the students call 'The Delinquents' were chatting about the homework we had. Despite what all the other students say, all my friends are actually rather sweet, and their goofballs. And above that, they're pretty good friends. Which was the most important thing.
They only used fear to manipulate the students sometimes when they needed something trivial. Like homework or lunch money, and for lunch money they always asked more than one student for small amounts of money so that they would still be able to afford lunch.
But the most problematic by far was definitely Remus, he had the most on his permanent record, one of those things being burning down his primary school because he just had the idea when sitting in class one day. After which he was made to be homeschooled until middle school. Which didn't make his psychopathic behavior any better. The reason I enjoy hanging around Remus is because unlike most people I've met in the past, he's unpredictable. And I can't predict what he's going to say or do. Which is a nice breath of fresh air.
Although some of his things were starting to become predictable which was making him much more annoying to be around, since he had expressed his crush for me time and time again, normally around valentines day or february in general because and I quote "I like that the month is all shaped around the holiday which is the color red like blood!" He said that to me once. And for one valentines day he gave me a box of snake food for my yellow boa Iris. Along with a small cooler that contained nails. Who's nails? I have no idea, and I don't really care all that much to be honest. I've told him time and time again that I'm not interested in him that way, I already have someone. Of course I never tell who that someone is because if he knew the next day when Remus came to school Virgil would not. He'd be lying in the ocean with bricks tied to each limb. I'd snap and kill everyone and then myself and honestly I wouldn't mind killing everyone except for my friends that would hurt. I just can't live without Virgil. He's the only one for me and if anyone killed him I just wouldn't see life's purpose anymore. He's all I need. He's my air, my blood, my heart. He's my everything. If he was gone, I'd be gone. I'd be gone down a dark path of murder and suicide and torturous silence. All the color in my life would be gone once again. And with that, so would my life. Because Virgil is special. The only special person in the entire world. And he's different. A nice different, a perfect different. He's-
I was cut off by a yell from Remus "DAMIEN!!"(I know he has a name, it'll come in later)I heard him yell, startling me. "WHAT?!" I questioned as my mood soured. Which surprised him enough to make him fall backwards. Me not caring too much asked again. "What do you need Remus?" I asked again just as annoyed. My voice and demeanor seemed to make him and the rest of the 'delinquents' back up a bit. "Hah, dee, what has you so upset?" he said with a slight smile, seemingly nervous. "You Remus, now what do you want?" I asked one final time. "I just wanted to let you know that it's lunch time..." "oh... let's go eat then." I started walking towards the cafeteria with Remus following closely behind me. Beaming with a psychotic joy...


My Everything...

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