Start of a new Friendship

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Chapter 12

Virgil's Pov

I opened the door and was greeted by my mother and father. They were smiling a loving parent smile, while me, Patton, and Andy were kind of forcing smiles. My mom came up and hugged all of us which made me and Andy mildly uncomfortable but we didn't say anything.

My father walked in and set their bags down next to the door. Our mom let go of the hug and started talking about how much she missed us, to which Patton and Andy responded to with a simple "We missed you too!" Can you feel the sarcasm, see our parents have impossible standards. Their level of abuse reaches like Mother Gothel. They're the reason we have to sneak Patton out for therapy sessions and why he has to wear hair extensions as well so they think he's still female. They seem very sweet but really they hate when we don't meet their expectations.

They're not homophobic or transphobic in anyway, they actually put a lot of money into the lgbtq+ community. But when they set their expectations to a certain point...and you can't reach it... you lose something..

More like they take something...normally something you care about, like a coping mechanism, or your ability to do something. Like prohibit you from going to the mall because you got a B- on a homework assignment. Or take away a certain journal from my youngest brother. Patton.

Their threats should also not be taken lightly. When they say they're gonna do something, they mean they're gonna do something. Like if they said that they would take away your phone for 6 months if you got anything less than an A on an assignment.When we all finished saying hello to each other, Patton and Andy left to go to school.

"Oh and by the way Virgil," my mom started, stopping me from joining Patton and Andy outside. I turned around to face her. "You should stop wearing makeup, you look much nicer when you show your freckles," she finished. I responded with a quick, "Alright mom, I'll take it off in one of the school bathrooms if that's okay. I don't want to be late for school." Smiling a bittersweet smile, to make it look like I was enjoying our conversation. As I walked out the door, I couldn't see Andy or Patton, which means that I was pretty far behind them.

I started walking until I noticed my next door neighbor, who goes by Damien, although his actual name is Janus. He told me when me and my siblings first moved here. But he only told me, which is rather strange. I ran up to him so that I wouldn't have to walk by myself.

"Janus!" I said catching up to him. He turned around and looked considerably happy to see me, which is a surprise since we don't really talk much.

"Hey Virge, what's up?" He asked beaming with joy.
"Nothing much, Patton and Andy left me to go to school. And I'm used to walking/running to school with others," I said with a smile.

His demeanor seemed to change from overjoyed to pissed, and then back to overjoyed. In like, 3 seconds. If my anxiety didn't make me pay attention to literally everything to make sure that it wasn't dangerous, I most definitely would not have noticed. But I didn't say anything about it, it was kind of normal for people I know to have total mood swings.

As we were nearing the school I asked him why I never really see him around, to which he responded with, "We're in different classes, and I'm pretty sure you don't spend more than 5 minutes in the lunchroom each day."

I started absolutely dying of laughter on our way into the building, when my laughing fit was over I said bye to him with some tears in my eyes, so I couldn't really see him properly as I started walking away.

Maybe we should talk more!

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