What Can I Do When I Live Next To You?

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Chapter 4

       -Deceit's POV-

"ᎴᏋፈᏋᎥᏖ! Get your ass down here!"

I heard my mother call from downstairs. I didn't even bother responding before getting up from my desk that I did my homework on. I didn't need to get ready or anything because I already had my uniform on and my backpack was already on my back. I stepped out of my incredibly small room and made my way down the hallway to the stairs, passing the bathroom and stepping down the stairs. As I stepped into the living room my mom started yelling at me about a speck of dust, and I'm not even lying here like I normally am. It was a SPECK of DUST. She was mad, about a SPECK of DUST. Of course I didn't really acknowledge the fact that she was upset, I was too busy staring out of the windows that we had in the living room that faced Virgil's house. I don't know why but I'm always happy when he's around, or I'm not mad or sad at the very least. Even if we don't talk everyday like I know he does with his two siblings and best friend. But I don't know whether or not I approve of them being so close...I'm always happy that he's happy when he's with them because he's always smiling and not being so worried about everything. But I also have this feeling that I can't describe as anything but hatred towards those close to Virgil. I don't even know why, but I seem to envy them and always find myself picturing them dead so that I could be close to Virgil instead. I also sometimes find myself planning their deaths in my head when I'm bored in class. I was snapped out of my thoughts about my 'senpai' as the internet likes to call it, though I'd rather refer to him as my crush. When my mom seemed to slap me, and the stinging that I felt pulled me out of my thoughts, which also caused me to be in a horrible mood as my thoughts and fantasies about my senpai were crushed. "I swear to god you're such a failure, first you have to be so useless that you can't even fucking clean properly-"
"Look you fucking bitch," I cut her off. "I don't have the time of day to listen to your shit. I put up with it enough as it is, I don't need you criticism EVERY GODDAMN DAY. I KNOW you hate me and think I'm a failure because you remind me every FUCKING DAY. SO I WOULD LIKE IT IF YOU WOULD JUST SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM, OR COOK BREAKFAST LIKE A GOOD MOM. BECAUSE I'm DONE  WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" I yelled in a fit of rage. My mom if I could even call her that seemed to visibility shrink at my harsh words and tone. Then she sped past me towards her room. 'Good.' I thought. 'She's finally gone'. I look back towards the window to see Virgil start to leave his house. So, me not having eaten breakfast yet, toasted a piece of bread and applied butter, shoved it in my mouth and rushed out the door to follow him and possibly catch up with him, and his....siblings....I felt myself visibly shiver at the thought. It plaguing my mind...someone being closer to Virgil than me...I hate just the idea of that...even though deep down I know to keep him happy they have to stay close to him... or do they? He's all I need, so I should be all he needs too...Right?

            -Logan's POV-

      What is this guy's problem? I simply helped another homosapien that just so happens to be adorable and handsome at the same time, that has made me feel something for once in my life. This guy will most definitely not stop me from obtaining his affection. Nobody. I thought to myself not realizing that my neutral expression had turned to one of rage and annoyance. The other human seemed to be surprised by this but then he seemed to gain a wide smirk across his face and this crazy kind of madness seemed to sparkle in his eyes like I had unwillingly and unknowingly ignited something that hadn't been dormant for long. He then reached his hand out to seemingly help me up. "My gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to slap you or yell at you like that. I'm not normally like that. How about I make it up to you by taking you to a café or something?" he asked with a seemingly apologetic tone. One that I responded to by slapping his hand away, getting up myself and fixing my tie. "That will be quite alright, I don't know you well enough to trust you not to kidnap me 'or something' plus I don't believe that I would want to be on friendly terms with the likes of you" I stated in the most monotone voice that I could muster with the boiling rage that I felt deep down. "Oh, but I insist that you allow me to make it up to you somehow." He stated his fake composure slightly broken by my remark. "As I said that will be quite alright-" I was cut off. "Look specs...no, calculator watch. I don't like being in debt to people so just let me do something for you, my name is Roman by the way." He stated attempting to regain his fake composure. To which I responded with "Fine Roman you can do something for me," I started and he seemed to light up at first until I continued with, "You can tell me the name of the boy I bumped into a moment ago since you seem to know him." His heart seemed to drop when I finished my sentence and he looked about ready to kill me. But I was unfazed by this and awaited his response, although if he took longer than 2 minutes, I would be late for class by exactly 29 seconds. "I- can I give you something else?" He asked. "No, I don't believe that I want anything else from you." He didn't respond for another moment, until I started to walk away because my time for the conversation was being cut short. "V...gil.." I heard him say faintly. "Hm?" I questioned, not hearing him properly. "Virgil..." he says a bit louder. "Could you speak up? I don't have time for this," I stated annoyed that he was speaking so low. " His name is VIRGIL, okay?" He spoke 'Virgil's' name much louder than the rest of his words. And I started smiling, or grinning to be more accurate. "Okay, thank you...Roman. I'll see you later, hopefully not." I say and I can see him get immediately upset. I start making my way towards my homeroom class. I was going to be 12 seconds early since I was taking the quickest route. I made it to my classroom and took my seat. My calculations were as on par as normal. So exactly 12 seconds after I sat down, the teacher walked in and locked the door behind her. She then started the lesson and I did something that I never did when attempting to listen to things that I already knew, I started to daydream. But I wasn't just daydreaming, I was daydreaming about one person in particular..... Virgil.

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