Different perspectives equals different 𝕊𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕤 of a story

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Chapter 9

    Deceit's Pov

I was listening to the conversation the theater group was having in the shadows. If I watched in the open and people knew that the leader of the delinquents had joined the drama club my reputation would go up and people would lose all respect for me. That CAN'T happen.  We were doing Heathers. I wonder if I can get Virgil to audition. He loves Heathers. Speaking of Virgil I was watching him earlier as he walked home with his twin. I saw that boy, what was his name Rowan, no Roman watching my Virgil go home with his sibling. I watched him as he walked in the hallway then slipped in the room when everyone was yelling at the girl who wanted Cats. I wonder what made her say the horror show that was Cats I thought while making sure the room was empty before walking out of the room with my bag. I decide to go check on Virgil. While walking out the room I bumped into something, no someone. "Watch where you're going!" I said and then I saw who it was. It was that new kid I saw walking in and bumping into Virgil. I wanted to kill him but Roman got to him before me. As far as I was concerned it was obvious they both had crushes on him but they were not threats. "Apologies I merely saw you walking with Virgil this morning and wanted to know if you knew where he lives. I would like to aquire his phone number." he said in a monotone voice. At that moment I wanted to kill him and that sounded like a good idea so I started to reach for my knife tucked under my shirt. "Ummm" He must have noticed because suddenly he says "Nevermind I will find his house on my own. I would say thank you for the help but to tell the truth you weren't of very much help." he said with no emotion before walking away. "Oh and that's not a very good place to put your knife." he says as he throws my knife behind him and it clatters to the floor... Ok so maybe I was wrong to assume that this guy's not a threat...

Logan's POV

      School had ended and I located all of the people chasing after Virgil. A bit after school ended I asked the Principal if I could check the cameras to locate a "stolen" Item. He said alright after looking at my file. What I was really looking for was the footage from this morning. After looking at the cameras I had concluded that Roman, Janus, and I were after Virgil's affections. I had to look up Janus' name in the school records, which was fairly easy since the principal had forgotten I was still in school and left. As I was looking over the cameras and disabled some cameras for later activities, I noticed a dark kind of figure on one screen. After following them with the cameras I realised that they had entered the drama club room.
    After changing to that camera, I figured out that they were Janus, which thoroughly confused me. Seeing as Janus is known as the delinquent leader. I decided to take some of the footage with a USB stick for possible blackmail. While watching Janus I also saw a very sharp and pointy object tucked under their shirt. That won't do. That won't do at all.
    I decided that after taking some footage of Virgil, and looking for his address in the student files, and not finding it. That I would ask Janus, since he walked into school a few steps behind Virgil. While getting rid of any tracks that I may have left behind, I stumbled across a different file. The file of a Remy Brown, who transferred to this school around the same time that Virgil and his brothers Patton and Andy did, which makes sense because they're all in a type of group. But another file also stood out to me. So I took some of the collective files so that I could do my research before facing the problems head on.
    On my way out of the building I saw Janus. I decided to ask him about the location of Virgil's home after I de-armed him. I bumped into him and while he was disoriented I took his knife off of him and put it into my school bag. He said "Watch where you're going!" to which I calmly responded with, "Apologies I merely saw you walking with Virgil this morning and wanted to know if you knew where he lives. I would like to aquire his phone number." I could very clearly see him become enraged. He started to reach for his knife, so I decided to change up my tactic. "Ummm." I feigned being frightened. Then said  "Nevermind I will find his house on my own. I would say thank you for the help but to tell the truth you weren't of very much help." Then started walking away. But stopped to say, "Oh and that's not a very good place to put your knife." before tossing it at his feet. I saw a glimpse of his surprised face before continuing to walk towards the exit.
           I doubted that it would get him to back off, but I might as well try..

    Virgil's POV

    After arriving home I put Andy onto my bed because according to him it's softer and warmer than his bed. Which is a complete lie by the way. Or maybe me and him would just rather be in opposite beds. Regardless I set him down and he stopped clinging to my jacket and started hugging my blanket. Which was "warm" according to him. I walked out of my room and into his room to look for an outfit for him to sleep in. He had a black and gray dragon onesie hanging up on a hanger. And it made me think about my skeleton onesie, so I grabbed it and started back to my room.
    I went back to my room and set his onesie next to him on my bed. Then I went over to my closet and pulled out my skeleton onesie. Then I realized that I forgot to grab him a pair of underwear. So I headed back to his room to grab said underwear, but on my way back to my room I heard a knock at the front door. My anxiety immediately started to kick in because Patton had his keys, Remy wouldn't leave Patton and Emile alone for some reason, and Emile is sick so he wouldn't even be out of bed. So WHO would be at my front door?! MAybe, MAYBE, it was just my neighbor Damien. YEAH yeah, it had to be my neighbor, who eLsE would it be? While all my thoughts were racing through my head, there was another knock at the door. Which kind of snapped me out of it, although I was still shaking and sweating due to my anxiety.
    I walked up to the door before taking a deep breath and opening it, It wasn't Damien to say the very least. But who was at the door, didn't spook me, they did the opposite actually. They made my heart flutter faster than my anxiety, which is what I had originally thought was causing my heart to beat so quickly. I  had nothing to say, really, who was at my door was so incredibly unexpected that I was tripping over my words. "I- I- um- I- ehem- what are y-you doing h-here?" I asked cursing myself under my breath because of my stuttering.
    "Oh, right, I wanted to ask you whether or not you wanted to join a school club? I'm starting my own, and I need some input." he said. My heart basically stopped when I thought about joining a club. The mere thought made me feel nauseous. "Umm, no that's quite alright, clubs...aren't my thing." I said as a response. "Oh that's quite alright, I see that the question has caused you some discomfort, could I possibly make it up to you by getting you something?" He asked, seeming quite calm. "I um, I mean if you're offering, I um needed some new strings for my guitar. BUTIMEANIFTHATSTOOMUCHTHENIUNDERSTAND." I basically yelled at him since my anxiety started to eat at me for asking for something I had no reason asking for. "Oh it's fine, I'll hand them to you by school tomorrow. And my name's Logan by the way. See you at school." he said turning around to leave. "Oh um, thanks Logan!" I said with a small smile.

    Logan...What a nice name. I guess I'll see him at school tomorrow.

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