𝚆𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚝c͞h͞i͞n͞g͞ w͞h͞o͞?

869 37 36

Chapter 8

Roman's POV
I watched as my senpai walked out of an unfamiliar house with his imposter tightly gripping his hoodie. I felt jealousy shoot up my arm and start buzzing my body ready to kill. I then remembered that if I killed Virgil's lookalike and he found out, then he would never forgive me and that would scare him away. That mere thought helped me calm down as I stalked him all the way to his house making sure he was safe. He made it a bit difficult as he kept looking around., I love my Virgil but his anxiety makes it so hard to protect him sometimes.
After I was sure that Virgil was safe, I made my way back to school. Now you may be asking; 'Why are you going back to the school?'. Well to answer that question. I have a drama club meeting, we're going to be performing a musical soon and we need to talk about which one to do. There's Heathers... (genderswapped of course) Hamilton...(The gay historically-accurate version) Mean Girls...(Guys/Boys) Six...(Again, Genderswapped) Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Dear Evan Hansen, THERE'S TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM ALONE! Which is why I plan on getting the rest of the drama club's help to pick, and I'll also ask my senpai in case we don't reach a good conclusion.
I made my way back into school, upon my entrance I had noticed that the halls were empty, not exactly my style. I much prefer places that are bubbly and contain lots of people. Almost the exact opposite of my senpai. Who prefers darkly lit rooms and dark colors, but he much prefers loud bubbly places over complete darkness. I was about 2 minutes away from the drama club, when I realized that the cameras were moving and the red light was on. They were never on, or moving, which I found strange and it made me a little uneasy, to say the least.

Who could have possibly been watching me?

    Anyway, I opened the door to the drama club and stepped in as enthusiastic as ever.I wheeled a dry erase board out and stood in front of it, everyone's prior conversations stopping. "So, we have the chance to perform a musical as the drama club! So we need ideas! I was thinking that we could also make some minor changes to fit better with how much more accepting people are of the LGBTQ(ANPC)+ community nowadays!" One member who had...black hair? I think.. Raised their hand and said, "Why don't we do heathers? But we could make Veronica a boy or something." "Okay, we're headed in the right direction, anyone else?" I asked which writing the idea down on the dry erase board. A boy with pastel pink hair said " I found a revision of Hamilton where, like they change a lot of the genders and another where they somehow put Laurens in Eliza's place." "Another great idea! Anybody else?" I asked writing that idea below the other one. A girl with...um...freckles? Said "What about cats?" And the whole room went silent for at least 30 seconds where we all slowly turned our heads to the girl before we all just shouted "BOI" at her. "Nobody likes Cats!" "Who invited you?!" "I don't even know who you are anymore!" "Get the hell out GET OUT!" And about 2 minutes later of everyone explaining why cats isn't ever an option we had her sitting in the corner on a stool silently. "You stay there till you think of a good musical that doesn't bring shame upon this musical family." I said before calming down. " Now any other ideas?" There were a lot of great ideas but we ultimately decided on Heathers (with all main characters gender swapped to guys). "Now today is Monday so auditions are Friday so you get a week to prepare and since I'm the leader of Drama Club I will look at auditions. See you guys friday." Now that I know what musical to do I can convince senpai to do it and we can get closer! It's all coming together. I was so happy that we were doing a musical, and Heathers no less, that the entire time we were packin, I hadn't noticed the dark shadow in the corner of the room. Listening to everything we were saying.

What could a shadow do anyways?

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