Parents Come home

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Chapter 11

Virgil's Pov

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone going off. It was 3:22 when my phone went off, and I was still tired, but urged myself to move my arm far enough to grab my phone while not waking up Patton or Andy.

When I picked my phone up, still half asleep mind you, I turned it on and the first thing I saw was a notification from my messages. The name of the person in my phone who sent the message was 'MOTHER'. Upon seeing this I got extremely annoyed and tossed my phone to the other side of the couch after turning my ringer off, not even bothering to open the message. I was way too comfortable cuddling with my siblings to even be worried about my annoying parents.

Now that I look back at it, I probably should have read that text.... I wouldn't have been as surprised and Patton and Andy wouldn't have been in so much distress when they woke up...

Later that morning at 6:00am

An alarm of mine woke me up, I set it some time the night before a bit after Andy and Patton fell asleep. This time when I woke up I had forgotten about the text message that I had been sent. So I started the day like normal, I got dressed, woke up Andy, woke up Patton, started making breakfast, everything went as normal until there was a knock at the front door.

Before I went to get the door I grabbed my phone, and checked the time which read '7:13am'. And I started scrolling through my notifications while walking towards the door, and just as I reached out to open the door I saw the text, not just one text though, there were 45 texts from one person, 'MOTHER'. And my heart stopped. I then read the text message and I started regretting not reading it when It had first been sent to me.

It read:

'Hi son! Me and your father will be home sometime around 7 in the morning! So make sure your siblings are awake so they can go to school! We won't be staying for long though sadly. But we'll make sure to spend lots of time with you! And we can even go shopping if you'd like!'

My blood ran cold, as I moved my hand away from the doorknob. I had to act fast before my Anxiety caused me to have an anxiety attack. I texted back a 'Hold on i'll get the door in a moment mom!' and sped up the stairs to tell Patton and Andy that our parents were home.

They looked just as put off as me, if not worse. So we put protocol orange into action. Protocol orange is a protocol that me and Patton came up with for when our parents were home. Patton hid his journals and tied his cardigan around his waist, Andy put his hoodie that he normally wore similar to me around his waist instead of putting it on like normal. Then I also tied my hoodie around my waist.

Then we all grabbed our things for school and put our long white gloves on before all of us stood in front of the front door as I opened it, prepared for the worst or the best.

Hopefully this won't go like last time.

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