Coffee and Therapy, What can go wrong?

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Chapter 5

-Virgil's POV-

We eventually part ways but when I walked into class I saw-
Remy! He's here early. I take my respective seat next to my best friend, all my extra bits of anxiety shrivelling in the presence of the familiar persona. But he seemed to have extra starbucks with him today, which wasn't necessarily bad, it just meant 1 of 2 things. 1 being that he slept in late and 2 being that he woke up too early and is more tired than usual. It was most likely number 2. He also seemed to be way less vigilant than usual, seeing as he didn't welcome me as I walked into the door- wait, what if I somehow upset him? What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore?? WHAT IF I did something stupid and I ruined his image of me??? WHAT IF-
"Hey, babes." I heard Remy say, taking all of my attention and also making my thoughts slowly but surely disappear to the back of my mind. "Hi Rem." I said back cautiously. "I can't wait for lunch." he stated ending with a sigh. "Heh, you always say that Rem." I said as a response. "I mean yea babes, I get to drink my Starbies without being scolded by teachers." he said with a smirk on his face. "Sure Rem, anyway we have a project in art. Do you wanna work together this time too?" I asked nervously, thinking about my previous thoughts. "You know it babes, also have you seen Emile today?" he asked, his demeanor becoming noticeably darker. My calmness not wavering but everyone else in the class seemed to shrivel away from him. "No, he probably came into school early again to help plant some extra flowers, like he normally does." I said confidently, trying not to let my anxiety about Picani's location seep into my voice. "Oh okay, do you think I have time to go and see him before class starts?" he said going back to his usually relaxed self.
"I mean maybe If you hurry, we have about 10 minutes until class starts but the garden is on the other side of the school." I answered, recalling the time that it read on a clock that I passed on my way into class. "Hmmmmm, maybe I can make it if I run..." He said after taking a sip of his coffee. "Go ahead, maybe I'll time you to see if you can break your record." I said with a smile, egging him on. "Alright babes, brb I'll try to be back as soon as possible.." He said  getting up from his seat and walking towards the door with a smile. I take out my phone as he pauses at the door and drinks the rest of his coffee. "Go." I state clicking the start button on the timer. As soon as I say go, he srints out of the room down the hallway trying to take the quickest route to the school's main garden.
As soon as I noticed that Remy was no longer near the classroom, my anxiety spiked. I started attempting to control my breathing until I heard a girl across the classroom say something about Remy's starbucks. Which made me deter my attention from my breathing towards Remy's items. I glanced up at them to see a girl stretch out her hand towards Remy's drinks. To which I responded to with a "Hi? Umm what are you doing?" causing the girl to flinch because she'd been caught. "Oh... um!" the girl looked me up and down and just got...flustered? She seemed to have a light layer of blush on her face and she looked surprised? "I...Umm..I... I didn't-" she continued to stutter for about another 2 minutes before she finally said, "I'm sorry!" and ran away to the other side of the classroom that had her group of friends.
When she was leaving she looked like a freaking tomato....'weird' I thought to myself. Since class hadn't started yet and Remy wasn't back yet, I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through tumblr.
I was like this for about another 5 minutes until Remy came through the door panting and sweating. He looked terrible, his hair was all over the place and he looked worried, I could only assume it was because he couldn't find Emile. I grabbed one of his starbucks cups and walked over to him by the door, he seemed to be panicking a little. I pushed him out the door into the empty hallway and closed the door behind me.
"Hi remy, find Emile?" I asked calmly. "NO, I didn't," He said in a dangerously scary tone that didn't faze me at the time. "Did you check the bathrooms?" I asked handing him the Starbucks drink. He took it and immediately started drinking the coffee.
As he disconnected his lips from the straw he responded much calmer with a "No." Seeming calmer he wasn't panicking and looked less worried. "I'll go with you to check them and then we can check his classroom if he's not."I said. "I..- okay... I can do that.." he said taking deeper breaths between each phrase. "Alright just give me a second."
I walked back into the classroom to Remy's desk and grabbed another 3 coffees. Which got weird stares from some people which made my anxiety spike a bit. But I brushed it off and started towards the door of the classroom. Walking back out into the hallway I saw that Remy had already finished his drink that I gave him before and started to panic slightly.  "Okay Rem I can't believe I'm saying this to you but you gotta breathe, okay?" I ask setting down the coffee to put my hands on Remy's shoulders. "Alright let's go look for Emile," I say. We look all over the school after class over that by the time we get to lunch it's already half over.
"SHIT" Remy yells as we sit down. "Rem I know you're worried but you just gotta calm down okay, I'll go ask my brother if he's seen him okay?" I say. "Yeah..yeah okay." he says, calming down and drinking his 9th coffee. I get up and walk over to where my brother is sitting alone at the table writing in a journal. My brother Patton just recently became a boy and he was bullied for it so our family therapist suggested that he write in the journal about how he feels. He's gone through 5 journals in 1 week. He never lets me, Andy or our parents see it. We all wonder what he writes in there but we don't say anything. "Hey Pat have you seen Emile? Remy and I looked for him but couldn't find him." I ask. "Yeah, I called him this morning and he says he's sick." Patton says without looking up from his 6th journal. It's already halfway full.  "Oh do you wanna come sit with me and Remy?" I ask. He looks up "Sure". We walk back to the table and there's Remy downing what seems to be his 11th cup of coffee. "So?" he asks looking at me and Patton expectantly. "He's sick" I say. "What?!" he screams and I can already see it in his eyes, he's about to do something crazy. "Remy I was gonna stop by his house after school to bring him some cartoon soup. Do you wanna come?" asked Patton. "Sure," he said. "That should be fine, wait what's cartoon soup?" asked Remy confused. "It's like chicken soup but when you put the stuff in it you carve it to look like cartoon characters." Patton responds. "It's Emile's favorite." I see Remy make a mental note for later. Then we just start talking and laughing together but when I look at Remy I see that he's not really focused and I know exactly who he's thinking about....

Logan's POV

I walked into the cafeteria after class for lunch to look around looking for Virgil, but I didn't see him. Instead I saw the boy from this morning...What was his name?









oh...I believe it was...


Sander Sides Yandere AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें