6. Bleachers

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Welp maybe not all the chapter titles will be song references or names

Oli's pov

A week passes with not much change. Josh doesn't care if I climb his tree, I still hang out with my friends at Jordan's. We.. we aren't dating, or exactly fuck buddies.. but we've kissed a few times but we talked about it. It's just to feel comfort.

He says he still sees me as a friend and I still stick to what I said earlier. He's just not my type. In first block I start to feel nauseous. Its because of my medicine. The door opens and Josh walks in.


He says something to the teacher and the gets told to sit next to me. I get up and rush out. "Hey! You need a hall pass!" The teacher calls after me. I ignore him and run to the bathrooms and throw up in a toilet.

I wipe my face and flush the toilet. I hate throwing up because I'm pretty sure I just threw up my medicine and now I'm going to be more prone to freaking out that if I didn't. I go out of the stall and wash my face and my mouth. I brought mouth wash because I was sure I was going to get sick.

I swoosh it in my mouth and spit it out. I'm not going back to class, that's to embarrassing that I ran out. I leave the bathrooms and go outside and down to the football field. It's hot outside and I hate it but I hate public bathrooms more.

I go under the bleachers and smile when I see my friend. "Oh, you decided to skip too?" I say and he nods.

"Yeah.. social anxiety sucks," he says and I nod. I sit in the dirt next to him and sigh.

"You smell like weed," I say and he chuckles. He moves his long hair out of his face and I can see his sharp eyes. He's handsome. My type but I think I like him more as a friend.

"Yeah, definitely," I say and he smiles and gets out the stuff. His brown eyes look sober but his movements give him away.

"So why are you out here?" He says and I shrug a little.

"I got sick and didn't want to return, I'm already failing it and even if I made all hundreds from now on I'd still only have a D so I give up," I say and take the pipe he hands me. He lights it for me and I inhale the smoke.

"That sucks but at least you can hang out with one and only mitch lucker," he says and I smile at him. He really is the one and only. He's so different, it's cool.

"You still never showed me you're new tattoo," he says and I pout. I hate my stomach and well just all of my body. I take I hit again and try to give to to him but he refuses. I sit up on my knees and blow out the smoke. I'm a lightweight so I'm already feeling the chemicals affecting my brain. It helps me calm down.

I yet again take another hit. "Hold this," I say making him hold the pipe because I can't show him the tattoo with only one hand. I unbutton my pants and push my pants and briefs down enough so he can see the 'restless' tattoo. He chuckles and I blush.

"That's fucking awesome," he says and I fix my pants and he gives me back the weed. I take a hit and smile.

"Thanks, my mom almost had a heart attack when she found out I got it. I took a picture of it and she looked through my phone," I tell him and he laughs. We smoke and talk for a few hours and then I realize I should get to class. Its second block right now so I have around 40 minutes before third block starts.

I'm all sweaty so I'll freshen up and find one of my friends so I can use their axe body spray or something. I didn't bring anything to school. Only a pencil. Is a get up Mitch gets up too. "Bathrooms?" He says and I nod. When I nod the world lags and I know I'm truly stoned.

I feel do much better and its almost like I dont have Anxiety problems or OCD. We walk together into the burning son and I feel sweat run down my chest. Fuck, I'm so uncomfortable in these clothes. My ribs hurt and I need deodorant.

We get to the bathrooms and he doesn't go in with me. "I'm going to find Danny," he says and I let him leave. I go into the bathroom and see Josh leaning against the wall and texting. He looks up and sees me.

"Oh, I have your work. The teacher told me to give it to you because he saw my file and knows we are neighbors.

"Cool, throw it away," I mumble and turn on the cool water and splash it in my face.

"Where did you go and why are you so sweaty?" He says looking at my face. I'm wearing three shirts and a jacket in 80 something degrees why wouldn't I be sweaty.

"I got sick and sat under the bleachers," I say and get paper towels and dry my face and then get more and turn away from him and dry my stomach and chest. Then I face him and wipe my back. I throw the stuff away.

"And got high, you smell so strong of weed," he says and gets out his backpack and pulls out deodorant and cologne. I come over and he gives he them. I spray myself with it and give it to him. It smells like forest and campfire. Does he smell like this? Duh.

His eyes are on me and I blush. "Thank you," I say and face away from him as I put on the deodorant. When I'm done I give it back and he looks at the time.

"You're welcome, I dont have class this block. What is there to do except walk around In the school?" He says.

"Most people go off campus but if I  were you I'd go to the gym, the cheerleaders practice there and the coaches dont care if people sit in the stands and watch. They are all very hot," I say and he nods.

"That sounds fun, want to show me to it?" He says. He did let me use his stuff and I have nothing better to do..

"Sure," I say and he puts on his back pack and I look in the mirror to see if I look high. "Do I still smell like weed and sweat?" I ask and he steps closer to me.

"Not really, kinda like sweat but it's not the gross kind," he says and I feel relieved a little.

With that we walk out and I lead him to the cheerleaders. This could be fun.

Hehehe you guys have no idea ;)



Cheerleaders? (You're going to love and hate who is a cheerleader)

Mitch is amazing

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