12. condoms

137 17 116

Josh's pov

It's been a week since Oli feel asleep watching Jarrasic World with me and nothing's really happened. That's not true, a lot of thinking has been done. I ended up leaving after the movie because Oli wanted to sleep and I didn't really know what to do if I stayed so I did the easiest thing and went home.

The next day at school we talked a little in our classes and yesterday we watched the cheerleaders together but another than in school we haven't hung out. I've came to an conclusion though. I'm bisexual but only for Oli.

I don't think I would be very good at sucking dick but I think I would give it a try? Maybe? In the moment and only Oli. So that's very gay so I cant be straight. I think I'm going to see how flirting with him goes. If I like it I'll continue but if not then.. I'll probably be an asshole and ghost him for a little while and then pick back up on being friends.

That sounds bad but if I dont like it I'm not going to lead him on. A lot of girls have been trying to get in my pants but I've been to concern about liking Oli to care. They are hot but I think Oliver's hotter. How do I flirt with a guy?

I could work my way into it or I could to something bold and cover it up as a joke if he doesn't respond well.. A idea pops into my head and I smirk. He doesn't think I'm gay at all, he caught me checking him out and said 'if you want my dick size just ask, but I'm probably bigger' but how he said it was so calm like he thought I was just trying to compare himself to my own.

He blushes a lot but he didn't blush then so that gives me more reason to think he didn't realize I was checking him out for my own fantasy. Jordan also told me he thinks in 100% straight. Me and Jordan have 3rd block together and we talk a little. 

Apparently he thinks I'm Oliver's type but is disappointed that I'm straight. Jordan and Oli's relationship confuses me a bit. They dont act flirty with each other and they dont sneak off together but I did see them heavily making out that one time and I'm pretty sure they fucked.

I go on Instagram and type up Oli Sykes. olobersykes is the username that pops up so I look through the first couple pictures and see him in his emo glory. That's cute. I then go to messages and text him.

Me: hey

Oli: cone pic me up

Wait what?

Me: come pick you up?

Oli: plz

Me: where are you?

Oli: jordins

Oli: call mw cant types

Its Friday night so I guess hes drunk? I get up and start putting on my shoes and calling him at the same time.

"Josh?" He slurs, definitely drunk.

"Hey, are you okay?" I say trying not to sound worried.

"Nu, um.. in my room.. theres? Uh.. shite. Ask me mum where my- go to mum and tell her to give you, a uh," he mumbles nervously and drunkenly trying to form a sentence.

He sniffles and I realize hes crying. Oh no.. "t-tell her 'it's a week early' and m-make her give y-you the stuff in my backpack. P-please dont question or look in it?" He says sniffling more.

I don't use what that means, it must be code? Something only his mom knows? "Okay so I get this backpack from her and give it to you and then bring you home? Couldn't I just pick you up and you get it when you get back?" I ask and he whines.

"Please hurry," he says and I'm already walking to his house.

"I am-" I start but it beeps saying he hung up. Fuck. I jog up the steps and knock on the door. His mom answers.

"Hey josh? Oli's at Jordan's," she says not knowing why I would come here.

"Yeah, he just called me and he was upset. He wanted me to come here and make you get him some backpack I'm not allowed to look in and to tell you 'it started a week early' or something," I say and she looks like she understands way more than I do.

"Oh my poor baby. Okay okay. Um. Stay down here," he says and rushes up the stairs and into Oli's room. I shut the front door and wait for a little while. She comes back down with a backpack.

"Dont look in it, and if you hurt my baby's feelings I hope god looks the other way," she says. This is a very over protective mom. But I think that's good.

"Okay, I'm sure Oli thanks you," I say putting the backpack on and start walking away. She watches me as I leave and I can tell she's very worried. This just makes me worry more.


"Wheres Oli?" I ask Jordan who is very drunk. He shrugs and I rush around the house that's full of drunk teens. Red solo cups everywhere.

I smack into someone and I see is Kelly. "Wheres Oli?" We both say at the same time. She doesn't seem too drunk. Shes no help to me if she doesn't know where Oli is either. We both start looking in opposite directions because we are both looking for him and dont need to talk to each other.

Is she the reason he's crying? I go upstairs and go to the bathroom that's locked. I knock on it and here crying. "Oli? I got the back pack," I call out. I hear shuffling and it sounds like he accidentally knocks something off a counter.

The door unlocks and he opens it a few inches.  Hes crying and clearly drunk. "Give mah," he says and I give him the bag and he shuts the door. After five minutes hes still crying and I hear the zippers of the backpack and rustling.

Kelly comes over holding.. a box of condoms. "Is Oli in there?" She asks. She looks worried.

"Yeah, but he's upset so you should go," I say crossing my arms.

"No, its important," she says and starts knocking on the door. "Oli, let me in. I got the thing," she says and to my surprise oli let's her in. Slurred crying mix with English words are muffled by the door and I cant understand any of it.

More shuffling around happens and both come out. "Can you trust him? Should I walk you home?" Kelly asks referring to me.

Oli's still crying but he nods. "I-ill be f-fine, Can you c-cleam these?" He asks giving her the backpack.

"Yeah, I have some good stain removal. It should all come out," she says and they hug. She leaves and Oli almost falls so I steady him.

"Can I carry you down these stairs, I don't want you to fall," I say and he wipes his teary face and pouts.

"I-I hate t-this," he burts into more tears and covers his face with his hands as he cries. Poor baby, hes so drunk and upset.

"I know, I'll I'm sorry you're so upset," I say and pick him up. He clings to me and I feel bad for him. I don't know what upset him but I think he's not telling me on purpose so he obviously doesn't want me to know.

That might hurt some people's feelings but we all have secrets.  So if its important for me to know I'll know. As of right now I just need to help Oli. He cries into my shoulder as I leave the loud house.

"Once you're sober you'll feel better, I'm sure whatever upset you isn't that bad, alcohol tends to make things worse," I says and he shakes his head.

"I- I hate myself," he slurs and I frown. Drunken words are sober thoughts..

"I'm taking you to my house so I can watch over you and so you're mom doesn't know you got so drunk," I say and he hugs me tightly with his arms. For some reason he's not letting his chest touch me.

"M'kay," he says sniffling a little.

This wasn't what I planned when I texted him but I'm glad I did. He needed to be resuscitated.



*sees someone is commenting on this story* hhhhhhhhh I'm trying to publish this for youuuuu

Drunk oli?

Kelly and condoms?


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