Chapter Four

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"IT TOOK FIVE MONTHS to make the Lookout and get the city to recognize us as the Paw Patrol," said Chase.

The pups were awestruck. The story was more intense then they would've imagined. They all thought it was different.

"Well," Ryder said looking at the clock. "It's 7:30, why don't we start our movie night? Let's get this show on the road."

The pups cheered. They got back to where they were right in front of the tv. Chase next to Skye, Marshall next to Everest, Rocky next to Zuma, and Rubble all by himself. Ryder started the movie. They all were happy to be with one another. Chase and Marshall were both happy since they took off a giant weight off their shoulders to tell the rest of their story. Everest and Skye were both happy to be with Chase and Marshall. The rest were glad that they finally got to hear their story. Ryder was just glad to see all of his pups happy.

An hour into the movie, Rocky and Zuma fell asleep. Since it was movie night, Ryder allowed them to sleep in the Lookout. A few minutes later, Rubble fell asleep. The only ones left awake were Chase, Marshall, Skye, Everest, and Ryder. Ryder went into his room to work on some stuff for the next day.

Skye was glad. She was sitting right next to her crush. Whenever Chase was near, she felt safe and protected, as if nothing would ever happen to her. He had a faint smell of gasoline and smoke, but she didn't mind. Her eyes got heavy, she was getting tired. She closed her and leaned against Chase. She likes how his fur touched her. She liked how gentle he was. She liked how soft his fur was. At the moment, Chase was surprised. The girl he liked was leaning against him sleeping. He decided not to make any sudden movements so then she could sleep.

Everest turned towards Chase and Skye. She saw Skye leaning against Chase. She was happy to see her best friend happy. She turned to Marshall who was paying attention to the movie. She wanted to do the same. She closed her eyes and leaned against Marshall. As she slept, she felt as if nothing else matters. She felt secure whenever he was by her side. She knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her. His fur smelled like smoke, but she didn't mind. All she cared about was being next to him, his soft, white and black fur touching hers. Marshall was surprised by this act as well. He couldn't believe what was happening. After a moment of shock, he decided it would be best if he would just let her sleep against him without him moving.

He turned towards Chase. He was just as shocked. Chase looked at Marshall. They both just smiled and kept watching the movie.

The movie was coming to an end. Chase got up slowly to not wake Skye. Fortunately, she didn't. He turned off the tv. He went to the closet and got four blankets. He put one over Rubble, one over Rocky and Zuma, one over Marshall and Everest, and one over Skye.

He laid back down. He couldn't go to sleep. Neither could Marshall. They were thinking back at the story. They couldn't believe how much has changed since then.

"Hey, Marshall, you awake?" he asked Marshall.

"Yeah, I just can't go to sleep," he replied.

"Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure, why not?"

They both got up and went into the kitchen. They got some bacon strips. When they were done, they went outside to walk for a while. They walked to the park. They did not say a word to each other on the way there. When they were coming back it was a bit different.

"Thanks," said Marshall.

"For what?" he asked.

"For telling them. I know it took some guts. I wouldn't have been able to say it if it wasn't for you. I just wish I could be like you, Chase."

"Marshall, you don't have to wish for it. You are like me. You are brave. Despite your fear of heights, you still go up to the top of the ladder to save those who need you."

"But you are not scared of anything."

"Of course I get scared. Everyone has fears. But there are those like us who are willing to face them in order to help those who aren't."

Marshall thought about this. "What are you scared of?" he asked Chase.

"Well, I'm scared of losing more of my family. I'm scared of losing those who I love. I'm scared of losing the Paw Patrol."


"Oh yeah, the dentist freaks me out a bit." They both laughed.

"Well, I guess it's time to go back inside," said Marshall.

"Yeah we should," replied Chase.

They went back into the Lookout. They laid back down next to Skye and Everest. The front door was open, so the wind blew into the Lookout. Chase and Marshall were shivering from the cold. Everest and Skye woke up, but they were like half awake, half asleep. They noticed Chase and Marshall shivering. Since they were only partly awake, they didn't think much of what they were doing. They moved closer to the boys and put the blankets over them. Chase and Marshall turned toward the girls, but they were already asleep. They decided not to budge. They just closed their eyes, moved closer to Skye and Everest, and went to sleep.

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