Chapter Thirteen

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CHASE AND SWEETIE WERE still waiting in the vent to see if anything happens that can be used as an advantage to them. After thirty minutes of no talking, Sweetie broke the silence.

"Hey, are you sure something will happen?" she asked the German shepherd.

"I wouldn't take the risk of leaving and missing out on some important information," he replied. "And besides, if whoever is out there on that plane is who I think it is, I need to be sure."

"Who do you think it is?"

"Well, I think it might be the rest of the Paw Patrol, but I'm not so sure. I'm still trying to figure out how they tracked us if it is them."

"Could they have tracked me?"

"I don't know, my guess is that they could've. But we still have to consider that it might not be…" Chase paused and walked toward the vent that leads to the throne room, "… them."

Sweetie was confused by this. Why did he pause? she thought. She whispered, "Chase, what's the matter?"

"I think someone just entered the room. I need to see what is going on."

Chase barked out a miniature drone from his pup pack. The drone flew through the opening in the vent and went high enough to not be noticed. A hologram popped up on the side of the vent showing what the drone was seeing.

A guy was holding open the main door for two men bringing in a crate. They placed the crate down right in front of King Jason, who was eating a sandwich.

Chase and Sweetie looked at the hologram wondering what was in the crate.

"Your Majesty, we went to go check out the plane. Everyone who was on it escaped." the man on the right side of the crate said. Chase felt relieved.

"All of them?" King Jason said in an angry tone.

"Well, all but one," said the man on the left side.

He opened the door on the front side of the crate, but nothing came out. The man shook the crate a bit. King Jason leaned forward to get a better view. Slowly, a dalmation came out trembling which Chase knew immediately.

Sweetie looked at Chase. "Is that… ?"

"Marshall," said Chase. He couldn't believe they caught Marshall. He started to get angry and more determined to stop them.

Marshall had his tail between his legs which means he was scared.

King Jason looked at Marshall and started to laugh. "Hey, he's probably hungry." He waved the sandwich in front of the dalmation's face. "Too bad," James said, taking a huge bite out of it. There were some crumbs and a piece of lettuce on his pants. He picked up the piece and threw it at Marshall's head. The men in the room started to chuckle.

Sweetie looked back at Chase who was watching the whole thing on the hologram. There was a lot of anger in his eyes.

Jason waved his hand in the air. In a moment's notice, all the men who were holding dogs let them go. The dogs surrounded Marshall and started barking and growling at him. One of them jumped forward which made Marshall fall. All the men were laughing at this.

This was the last straw for Chase. "No one can do that to my brother," he said with anger. Sweetie turned around to see Chase turn off the hologram and start to walk towards the vent. They were at least ten feet into the vent. Sweetie knew what was going to happen and she knew it could hurt the mission and possibly Chase. She ran in front of Chase and tried to make him stop walking but wouldn't.

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