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John Vandel, the Head of the New York Anti-President Assassination Police Squad, was in Interview Room #2.

     "Ok, Ms. Backman. You're riding my ass all day on making President Lang's life a bloody misery. Now, we know that the so-called 'Zombie mania' was a figment of your warped agenda. There's no such thing as Zombies; there's agitators like your friend Gretel Harding and her gay partner Kath. We know that a lot of people across America. And the new President and Vice President Joan Kalens, are determined to malke us great again. We have people protesting all kinds of Anti-American causes. And now we're going to shut you, as well as the agitators, down.

       "Now, shut down your protests...Or I'll jail you as a urban terrorist" John Vandel said threateningly. He watched her squirm...

        ...Then she cried.

       "I'm not a terrorist. Zombies have rights! We need to deal with them" Carol pleaded.

        "We are! We are jailing the agitators. And if our jails are full, we'll send them overseas. Now, if I hear you're organising more protests, we'll make you life hell" John  Vandel shouted, "and send you to the camps", he said.

        "Fine. But mark my word. If the Zombies bite New Yorkers, you'll have a new crisis on your hands" Carol said.

        "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" John Vandel yelled.

        Carol nodded.

         She opened the brown colored doors of the Interrogation Room...

         ...And headed back to New York and vowed to continue her fight.


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Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Where stories live. Discover now