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Trash was all over the place.

     "Bloody hell! Disease City!" said Lincoln.

      He watched huge rats feeding on the trash.

     Their black colored fur gleamed; their black eyes intent on the flesh of dead bodies that were left over three months' ago when the mania happened.

     "Shit!" Lincoln said, as he wondered if the rats breeded here.

     And if that happened...

     ...He decided to get on with it.

     ...He didn't want to piss off and leave New New Yorkers afraid of Zombies, rats, and other creatures that dwelled in this city.

       Now he was concerned that he could be spending all bloody day here...

       ...In the trash filled sewers.


Several hours' passed.


Lincoln saw a crossroads: East, West, North, and South.

      He chose East.


Page 16

Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat