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Gretel was watching the Zombies.

    "Ugly bastards!" Kath said.

     "Indeed. I think we need to kill some of them. These ones seem really bad. Because the others we dealt with were horrible...These Zombies are bad ass" Gretel said.

     And she fired her assault rifle into three Zombies' heads.

     Their bodies thudded onto the hot, Manhattan ground.

      And then three others vomited black liquid out of their rotting mouths. It burned into the concrete near some trash bins.

       "HOLY SHIT! DID YOU SEE THAT?", Gretel asked.

       "I DID!", Kath answered, "we won't kill Them. Too dangerous. The best thing is to hold them into a quarrantine center...And we can then contain them", Kath said.

       "Well, we need help with that" Gretel said.

      "Ok, let's head back to our apartment and plan how we're going to end this horror" Kath said.

       And they ran away from the Zombie threat before the new kind of plague on 7th Avenue claimed more lives.

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Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Where stories live. Discover now