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Amy wore a grey dress, black colored panties, brown colored pantyhose, black boots.

    And a black colored watch on her right hand.

     Joe was dressed in a black T-shirt, black trousers, a black colored belt, black socks, and black shoes. And a silver colored watch on his right hand.

      "It is my sad news tonight to let you know that US President Harlan Lang committed suicide in the New New York Oval Office. The President, known to hedge on the growing Zombie crisis, didn't give a damn about New New Yorkers. He was quote 'Riding everything out', unquote. But noone searched the sewers three months' ago. And when a gay man was killed, did anyone go down into the sewers to prevent another crisis? The answer is, sadly, no. A sewer manager called Lincoln, has just come to us and spilled the beans on this scandal. I didn't report it because of the death of the US President. The full details of the crisis will be online soon. But, for now, America is in mourning. Republicans and Democrats have all come together to mourn...Minus their agenda...For now...

        ..."This is Amy Jones reporting. More updates later. Good night!".

       And Joe Lain pressed the OFF button...and cried.


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Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Where stories live. Discover now