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Lincoln headed South.

     The homeless man and rat-girl was horrific to him.

     America was going to Hell.

     Now, as he reached the bowels of the sewer system, he saw two Zombies having sex. They were up against the rotting, black colored wall, as trash was gushing from the leaking pipes.

      "HEY! STOP THAT!", Lincoln yelled.

      The male Zombie stopped kissing the other male Zombie.

      "GO AWAY! WE'RE BUSY!" the gay Zombie said.

       His rotting face was almost skeletal.

       The same as his partner.

        "My name's Lincoln. I'm here to manage this wasteland in New New York. And unless you two move on, I'm going to blow your heads off" Lincoln yelled.

         "Really. Gay Zombies have rights to have sex in private" the second gay Zombie said.

          "Not when I'm on patrol" Lincoln said.

           "Come on Xavier. The humans won't let us do anything. We offend their sense of straight behavior" Havier said, as it sighed.

          And they headed away further down the sewer system, angrily.


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Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Where stories live. Discover now