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Davis Aumo was shivering.

     He wore black pajamas, and red slippers.

     He walked down the busy Manhattan streets eager to have a late night feed.

     "HEY JOHNNY! NEED A HOTDOG, BRO! GOTTA FEED MY HUNGER!" Davis yelled. He was about to pay $5 when he saw a woman Zombie eating Johnny's face off!

     Black, sickly vomit gushed out of Zombie Lisa's mouth as she spread the plague-like mania all across Manhattan.

       And, after she infected Johnny, he died...

       ...Then turned into a Zombie.

      ....Davis screamed.

      ...Theh the Zombie Lisa ripped Davis's face off!

     Davis screamed.

     His flesh came off.

     And, as he turned, the new plague Zombies then went along Manhattan's streets eager to continue their feeding.


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Mania of the Zombies: Return of Gretel Harding (Book Thirteen)Where stories live. Discover now