Chapter 8

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 The squad was in school talking about Cesar and looking through social media, watching the video that blew up throughout Freeridge. Olivia was constantly worrying about Cesar and what is going to happen to the boy, but then the boy appeared in front of them even with a target on his back.

"I'm good," Cesar walked up in front of them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Elizabeth seethed, "Oscar had you stay inside for a reason, for you to not get got,"

"I had a math test," Cesar casually said.

"Oh, a math test," Elizabeth scoffed, "you're gonna get killed all because of a damn math test. You know what I'm gonna let your brother deal with this. I'm already getting a migraine so I'm leaving school for the day," Elizabeth walked away from the group to leave through the back gate. When she got outside school premises, Oscar had already pulled up next to her so she got inside. "Cesar is inside, but I'm pretty sure you know that,"

"Yo se," Oscar scowled as he furiously typed on his phone.

"Bebe, take a few breaths in and out. I can see your vein on your neck," Elizabeth slightly teased.

Cesar came into view so Elizabeth jumped into the backseat to let the brothers talk. The younger brother got into the car as they all sat in silence for a minute.

"You don't have to say it..." Oscar cut him.

"I'm gonna say it. What the hell's wrong with you? You can't be out here in the open," Oscar looked at Cesar.

"I'm sorry, but I had a math test," Cesar tried to explain, "this teacher will fail my ass..."

"Goddamn math test?!" Oscar yelled, hitting the dashboard.

"Oscar," Elizabeth laid her hand on the side of Oscar's neck, "calmate, por favor,"

Oscar took a deep breath, "I told you to stay at the crib. Use your head before someone puts a bullet in it," Oscar jammed his finger into Cesar's temple.

"I'm sorry, alright?" Cesar raised his voice.

"It sucks being stuck, just don't be so stupid," Oscar looked around, "so what should we do about this situation?" Oscar chuckled, "I say we have some fun, Lil Spooky,"

The three sped to the beach, the same spot that was Oscar's escape from everything in Freeridge. They got out of the car and went to the same food truck that Elizabeth and Oscar went to to get their burgers from last time. Once they got their burgers and drinks, they sat on the ledge.

"11 miles," Cesar paused, "might as well be 11 million. Can't believe I never come to the beach,"

"It's not that you have a choice, buddy," Elizabeth laughed, "you can't drive so how you gonna come here?"

"Shut up, Eli," Cesar threw one of his onions at her.

"I was out here 3 months ago. The night I got out of corcoran. After 4 years in a six by eight, I needed to see something big. Open," that was Elizabeth's cue to let them have their alone time.

"Alright, boys. I need to throw this away and I'm gonna take a nap in the car. Give me your trash, pendejos," once she got all the trash, she walked to the trash that was across the lot to throw it away before going into the Impala and laying across the front seat, feet by the steering wheel and head close to the door on the passenger side and knocked out.

Oscar and Cesar began walking across the beach and talked about anything and everything about Oscar's old dreams and Cesar's until Cesar had to ask Oscar what his intentions with Elizabeth were. He decided to ask after telling Oscar his plan.

"I got it all planned out. JC for a couple years to save the cash, then transfer to UCLA and Eli got an academic scholarship already from UCLA so she can help me with whatever I need," Cesar told Oscar.

"It's a good plan. How are you gonna pay for it?" Oscar asked, "and did she get a full ride?"

"I'll figure it out," Cesar shrugged, "she did,"

"Hey," Oscar turned to Cesar, "we'll figure it out,"

Cesar smiled at his older brother before his smile dropped, "Oscar, what are you doing with Elizabeth? Are you just trying to get into her pants or actually be there for her?"

Oscar took a hit from the dying blunt, "Eli is...something. She's this smart girl that doesn't give a shit about my status with the Santos. Easy to talk to and she knows about my dreams, but she has this aura to her that's refreshing yet mysterious because there is a fire that isn't being let out. I'm in this for the long run, mano,"

"Do you... love her?" Cesar questioned.

Oscar shrugged, "possibly. She is my ruca. I asked her the other day that you got rolled up on. We had this..." Oscar chuckled, "we had this argument over it too. She doesn't want to run the risk of the police finding out and them arresting me,"

Cesar chuckled, "well, congratulations, guys. You guys are good for each other. I heard she told you about her dad and why she works that many jobs as well as do well in school,"

"Another reason why I like her. She puts others before her,"

The two walked back to the car to see Elizabeth leaning against the hood of the Impala, music playing through her earphones, and head laid back, eyes closed to feel the breeze from the ocean and the warmth from the sun. Oscar had a soft smile play along his lips at the sight of the girl relaxing so he pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the beauty. He shoved his phone in his pocket and walked to her, laying his hands on her waist to look down at her. She opened her eyes and smiled at the face of her boyfriend who laid a kiss on her lips.

"How was your bonding time?" Elizabeth asked.

"Muy bueno, Ms. UCLA scholarship," Oscar smirked, squeezing her sides.

She jumped at that, turning to Cesar, "Cesar! It's not that big of a deal,"

"Not a big deal?!" Cesar shouted, "you got a full ride to a huge university that a lot of people want to go to, but end up not being able to. Also, to top it all off, you're only a sophomore,"

"What about you guys with your dreams?" Elizabeth defended, "Mr. Chef and Mr. Architect?"

"Shut up, fool," Oscar chuckled.

"Or what, homes?" Elizabeth put a mean face on before breaking it and laughing, "that was you, Oscar,"

"Nah," Cesar laughed, "it's more like this. 'Sup, fool,'" the two high fived while laughing.

The leader rolled his eyes and turned to the sunset. They tuned into the silence and allowed it to trickle in to watch the sun set. When it finished setting, they all went back to Freeridge to drop Elizabeth off so Oscar walked her to the door. They were about to lean in when the door opened and the face of Leticia showed.

"Elizabeth, who is this?" Leticia had a genuine smile on her face.

"Ma, es mi novio, Oscar Diaz," Elizabeth sheepishly smiled, "I'll explain inside,"

"Alright. Good night, Oscar. Thank you for bringing her home safely,"

"No problema, senora," Oscar nodded, "I'll text you later, hermosa," Oscar kissed Elizabeth's knuckles and went back to his car and to his brother.

When the front door closed, Leticia turned to Elizabeth and widened her eyes then winked at her.

"Tell me tomorrow morning, mija," Leticia walked into her bedroom and shut the door, leaving the girl standing in the living room in shock at the calmness of her mother.

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