Chapter 20

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It was finally summer and hot enough for the public pool to be open so Elizabeth went with Jasmine and Monse to the pool. Jasmine wore a one piece swimsuit, Monse wore a multicolor top with jean shorts, and Elizabeth wore a simple black two piece swimsuit that showed off her assets. They sat on their towels as Jasmine recited things like it was a tv show.

"Previously on Monse, Monse didn't know if she was into Cesar or on the outs, but either way it was annoying. What will she do? Put down her phone or continue being lame as hell?" Jasmine narrated as Elizabeth laughed at what was being said.

"Sorry, just want to make sure he's ok on the home front," Monse said.

"So he's got daddy issues and you got mommy issues, but if you don't stay away then you're going to have baby issues," Jasmine said as Monse scoffed at that, "girl, don't you remember he betrayed you?"

"Yes, I remember. You're right. Cesar wasn't there for me when I was dealing with my mom, but that doesn't mean I should act the same way," Monse said, "If I did then I would be a hypocrite and I don't want to be, I wanna do the right thing,"

"Oh, I see, so you could shove it in his face that you're the bigger person?" Jasmine said

"No. because we're friends and that's what friends do," Monse said.

"Oh, I don't this feels more like girlfriend territory," Elizabeth giggled.

"No, no, it still falls in the friendzone," Monse said as her phone sounded as Jasmine leaned over to see the text.

"And you invited him to the pool?!" Jasmine raised her voice, "skins out, sins out! Girl you are talking one game, but playing another, and I just don't want to see you get burned," Jasmine smoothed the sunscreen on her arms.

Jasmine was putting on sunscreen on her body when Monse asked her to put some on her back, but Cesar interrupted, "I'll do it," Monse smiled, but it disappeared when she saw Oscar.

Oscar was looking at Elizabeth, "I'm hittin' the pool," Elizabeth's head turned and she grinned at the sight of her boyfriend. He took off his sunglasses and took off his wife-beater causing Elizabeth to stare at him.

"Do a cannonball!" Jasmine began putting on her goggles, but stopped as she saw his look, "or don't! Don't do it, it's stupid. Alright, time to deep-dick dive!" Jasmine smiled at Monse, "you know 'cause I can see up their shorts,"

"Yeah, I'm heading to the pool too," Elizabeth looked at Oscar in the pool, grabbing his sunglasses to put it on before going to him, putting her legs in, "hey, baby,"

"Hey, mamita. Monse ain't feelin' me," Oscar chuckled.

"Not at all, but she does not matter because you are great in my eyes," Elizabeth grinned down at him.

He chuckled as he pulled himself to be eye level with her, "you look good in my glasses, now give me a kiss with your fine ass," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, but gave him a kiss anyway.

Jasmine went up to the couple, "hey, guys. Wanna play Marco Polo?"

Elizabeth giggled, "Let's do it. Jas, you're it," Jasmine nodded with a grin before swimming away to give them a start.

"Why would you do that?" Oscar groaned, "I don't want to spend time with her, only you,"

"Babe, c'mon. It's gonna be fine,"

After awhile Oscar and Elizabeth got out of the pool and laid down next to each other until Elizabeth forgot to put on some sunscreen on her back. She turned to Oscar, "hey, babe? Can you put sunscreen on my back?"

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