Chapter 16

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It was the day of the baby shower and the Martinez family along with Elizabeth were helping with the decorations and party. However, once Ruby and his mom started arguing about the decorations Elizabeth got a call from Cesar so she picked it up and walked outside.

"Wassup, mano?" Elizabeth asked,

"Why am I on house arrest?" Cesar groaned.

"Because the Prophets are outside and you still have a target on your back and no protection from the Santos," Elizabeth sighed, "look, just hang tight for a little longer, alright?" Cesar reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone.

An hour passed until Cesar, Monse, and Jamal arrived at the Martinez household so they could talk about the RollerWorld money, but since Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with it, she decided to let them do their thing as she went over to Oscar's place. She walked up the steps and walked straight inside to see Oscar, Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca there with the money stacked, but she paid no mind as she laid across the laps of the four boys, her head on Oscar's lap.

"Puta, get the fuck off of me," Lorca pushed her legs off of his lap, "you don't even hang out with us no more,"

"Hey, stupid. I got school, homework, and work so you can bring your dumbass to either one of my jobs or text me since you got my number," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Rico and Sad Eyes text me and I hang out with them because they text and ask,"

Lorca scoffed, "really, manos. Y'all don't invite me to y'alls hangouts?"

Sad Eyes laughed, "because your stupid ass always says some type of fucking excuse so we stopped. Don't come over here crying over that shit,"

Oscar groaned, "why did I introduce you pendejos to her? What the fuck is this friendship you got goin' on with my girl?"

"Oye!" Rico raised his voice, "it ain't our faults that she loves us more than you,"

"Awww!" Elizabeth saw Oscar glare at his boys, "don't say that to my little Spooky," she jutted out her lip and sat on his lap, putting his head on her chest, "mi precioso es mi número uno por vida,"

Oscar grinned at her before flicking off the three laughing boys that sat next to them on the couch, "alright, I'mma spend time with my girl so take all this shit somewhere else, yeah?"

Lorca nodded and grabbed the bag filled with money, but Rico rolled his eyes before grabbing the bag from Lorca's grasp, "fool, we ain't lettin you hold the damn money with your stupid ass," the three boys started arguing as they left the household to go somewhere else.

Oscar made Elizabeth straddle him, "wassup, mamita. Thought you were helping out Mario and little man with the baby shower?"

"I was," Elizabeth paused, "but they didn't need my help so I left and came here to hang with you. Oh! I got us something, but it's back at my place so let's go on an adventure to my place!" Elizabeth got up from his lap and pulled him off the couch.

Oscar chuckled, but grabbed his flannel and walked out behind Elizabeth to his car. The two drove to her house with the music on blast until they got to her place to see her mother's car in the driveway. The two got out and went inside to see Leticia laid down across the couch fast asleep so Oscar went to the hardworking mom and carried her to her room so she could sleep in her bed. When he left her room a minute later Elizabeth was holding up a bottle of peel-off charcoal face mask and a couple face masks.

"We, my handsome lover, are gonna do some self-care and if my mom is not up maybe we can give each other some attention," Elizabeth winked at the older man.

"Oh, you know me so well, hermosa," Oscar chuckled, "you got some snacks and movies ready then?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "when have I ever been around with no snacks in my hand? Of course I got snacks and the movies ready. We can even order some Postmates or take out too. Babe, we are going to have a blast,"

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