Chapter 11

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It was finally New Years' Eve and it was the annual New Years' Eve party at Ruby's house, but Elizabeth felt different. She felt like she had to have eyes all around her, but she refused to let it get to her so she got ready at her place with the help of her mom. Leticia was going through Elizabeth's closet and pulled out a nice black dress that accentuated her curves and even accentuated her breasts a little so Elizabeth put it on and approved of it. Her mother was reluctant to let her go to Ruby's party alone because of the unfortunate event a while back, but she knew that her daughter would be alright.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and walked out of the door after kissing her mother bye. She began to be on her way to the Santos traphouse when she saw Cesar getting barked at by the Santos and that gave her an idea of what had happened so she quickly sent Cesar a text and her mom to let her know about Cesar's situation. When Cesar left, Elizabeth walked to Oscar with a scowl while he looked at her with a smirk, but it slowly faded once he saw her face. Oscar ushered Elizabeth inside to find out what was going on with his princesa.

"Princesa, what got you like that?" Oscar put his hands on her waist.

"Did you really have to kick Cesar out like that? He made a mistake, but I told you he was an emotional kid," Elizabeth scowled.

Oscar began glaring at her, backing up, "what Cesar and I have going on is none of your business. Stay out of it. What does it matter, huh? You got feelings for my hermanito,"

Elizabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes, "are you fucking kidding me? It is my business because I care for both of you and I love you. Mind you I also got shot because of it so do not tell me that this is Santos business either. As for having feelings for your brother, the only feelings I have for him purely platonic and have no romantic feelings," Elizabeth shook her head, "you know what, talk to me when you're not so insecure and immature,"

Elizabeth began to walk away, but Oscar took ahold of her hand, "wait, bebe. Lo siento. It's just been rough,"

"No, Oscar. Just because it's rough does not mean that you can say that type of shit to me. Text me tomorrow or something. I need to go to Ruby's. Bye," Elizabeth opened the door and slammed it shut after she exited the house.

Sad Eyes, Lorca, and Rico looked at the angered girl, but didn't know what to do so Sad Eyes went up to her before she left the premises, "Mana, what's up with you?"

"Ask your idiot of a friend," Elizabeth said, "he wants to test me tonight, but I'm not gonna be here for it,"

Sad Eyes let her go, but watched her get farther and farther until she was gone to make sure there was no danger that came to her. Rico and Lorca went up to him and asked him what was wrong with her, but he simply shook his head and continued with his cigarette.

Elizabeth had rushed over to Ruby's and got there just minutes before the countdown. She rushed in and smiled at everyone before heading to her friends, but stopping short at seeing a pregnant white girl sitting on the couch. Disregarding that, she continued her way to her friends and gave them a smile and a hug.

"Where's Cesar?" Elizabeth asked.

"At a party with the Santos," Monse asked, but she raised an eyebrow at that and decided against telling Monse that he wasn't.

Ruby's dad had ushered everyone to the living room when it was time for the countdown. Everyone was counting down until it reached one and people started popping things, causing Elizabeth to have a panic attack so she quickly went outside to catch a breath, but all that ended up happening was tears going down her cheeks. It seemed like she couldn't catch her breath for anything so she walked outside of the house and kept trying, but it seemed like all she could think about is the constant need to lie to everyone and say she was ok. She was far from it.

Elizabeth fell to her knees, "I'm not ok. It shouldn't have been like this,"

"It should've been me," Cesar's voice popped up.

Elizabeth turned and walked to the boy with tears in both of their eyes then threw herself into him to embrace him into a hug. His arms wrapped around Elizabeth as he kept on muttering apologies to her, but she didn't care. There was nothing to forgive in her eyes.

"I don't blame you," Elizabeth sniffled, "you did the right thing,"

"No, I didn't," Cesar looked down.

"I got nothing, but love for you," Elizabeth cleared her throat, "it wasn't your fault,"

The two walked back to the sidewalk to meet with the rest of the squad. All of them hugged it out when Jamal sighed, "guys, I've been hiding something,"

"Me too," Cesar looked at his friends' faces.

"You said that your brother was..." Monse started, but got cut off.

"No. I lied. I'm..." Cesar trailed off, "dead to him,"

"But not to me," Monse smiled softly at the boy, "we'll figure it out. I promise," the two shared a kiss while Jamal and Ruby looked at them confused, "oh yeah. This happened. We've been hiding it too,"

The two boys shared a look, "we don't care. We kissed you first," Jamal high fived Ruby, "anyways, as I was saying before y'all interrupted me," Jamal got cut off again.

"Well, I've been high all night," Ruby said.

"Are you kidding me!"Jamal walked away, "Are! I'm literally trying to tell you guys something! Something important! Something monumental! Something that will probably, no scratch that, positively will, positively change your lives! And y'all keep interrupting me like some dumb comedy run! What is wrong with you people?!"

"Ok! Tell us," Ruby said.

"No. I'm done," Jamal straightened out his suit.

"We'll shut up," Monse bargained.

"You don't deserve to know," Jamal stayed strong.

"Please," Cesar said.

"Fine," Jamal sighed, "I found the RollerWorld money,"

All five faces were dumbfounded and the six of them went to Jamal's house for proof of the money. Now they were sitting on his bed with Ruby, Cesar, and Monse sitting on the edge and Elizabeth and Olivia sitting on the middle of the bed. Jamal opened his closet door, but paused, as if he was contemplating something.

"You know what?" Jamal turned around, "I don't know why I'm being so quick on the draw. I think an apology is in order,"

"For what?" Monse scoffed.

"For all of my mistreatment. I'm tired of being an afterthought," The three that sat on the bed rolled their eyes, but Elizabeth was proud, "for once, I would like to be a 'before-thought' or just a thought. Not one of you have ever said you're sorry for the shit you've said to me,"

"We're sorry," Ruby sighed.

"Can we see the money now?" Monse rolled her eyes and leaned back on her hand.

"Seriously? That's all you got?" Jamal asked.

"What do you want us to say?" Cesar asked.

"How about 'Jamal is right'?" the four, minus Elizabeth mouthed it while Elizabeth said it, "no, you can't just move your mouths. You got to say it," The rest of the group sighed before repeating it, "Jamal is not the biggest fakest liar ever," again the group repeated, "Jamal is the real glue to our crew," repeated.

"We get it you're the man," Elizabeth chuckled.

"Thank you. Now we can proceed," Jamal straightened his jacket, "Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present you with..."Jamal turned towards his closet and emptied a box before screaming, "the money is gone!"

The Innocent  (Oscar Diaz Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz