Chapter 13

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It was back to school and Elizabeth's last doctor's appointment for her check up. It was a new year and junior year for her so she hoped that it would be one of the best. She found Monse and Cesar holding hands about to go downstairs so she caught up with them and walked next to them while Ruby, Olivia, and Jamal caught up and walked with them as well.

"It's a new year," Jamal said.

"And a new day," Monse said with a smile.

"Finally, we can get back to normal," Ruby said.

"Turner!" The football coach called out.

Lunch time came around and the crew was walking to find a seat and Jamal was freaking out, "guys! I have eyes on me,"

"Me too. post-shooting lookie-loos are out in full force," Elizabeth groaned.

"Elizabeth, Ruby!" a girl called out. Elizabeth pulled down her shirt to show the gunshot wound while the girl took a picture, "thanks,"

"I don't know how long I can take being Bullet Girl and Bullet Boy," Elizabeth sat down at a lunch table.

"I just wanna get back to normal," Ruby sighed.

"Normal?" Jasmine appeared, "Baby, you ain't ever been normal! You got that special sauce flowing through your veins. And probably all over that juicy nalga," Jasmine laughed while Elizabeth and Olivia tried to hold in their laugh, "Elizabeth said that I can sit with y'all,"

"Shoot, I forgot dessert," Ruby tried to leave, but Jasmine wasn't having any of it.

"Oh, you sit. I got you. Sugar free sweets for my super-sweet treat, coming right up!" Jasmine walked away.

"I'm sorry, but ever since my brush with death, I made a bargain with the big man. Or woman. Let's just say the universe is gender neutral. But that part of the deal was to work on my karmic energy, be a better person so shit don't go sideways," Elizabeth explained.

"Couldn't you choose to save the rain forest instead?" Monse asked.

"See? I knew this would be an issue," Ruby said.

"Speaking of commitment, we need to make one. What are we gonna do with the cheddar? We need a plan of action ASAP. First thing after school, all-hands meeting. This kind of gouda can get ripe real quick. I'm not sure we can handle it if people start sniffing around," Jamal said.

"Cheesy, but I like it," Ruby said.

"Yes!" Jamal and Ruby fistbumped.

"Sorry, y'all keep me updated. I got a shift over at the restaurant today and I need the money," Elizabeth shrugged.

The group nodded, "right now, the money as is makes us targets. We need to move quickly to wash the cash so we can use the money and help Cesar survive." Monse added and Cesar agreed.

"Ok. So where are we meeting?"

"My dad's coming home this afternoon," Monse said.

"So we can't do it at Monse's and my house is pretty tense post big-debacle, and Cesar never hosts. So, Ruby, it's you." Jamal reasoned.

"No. Your mom doesn't want me around," Cesar said.

"Oh, my mom's got a job all week, so we're good. My house after school," Ruby said.

Everyone agreed, but Elizabeth, "sorry, y'all. I got work after school, but let me know what you decide,"

After school, everyone went their separate ways and Oscar picked Elizabeth up at the next street, driving to the restaurant. The two talked about nothing in particular, just enjoyed the other's company until they got to the restaurant.

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