Chapter 10

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 It's officially the day of Olivia's quince and Monse, Ruby, and Elizabeth were handing out programs to people in the church.

"Bless you," Ruby said to a person entering, "can you believe we were here only a few hours ago?"

"When there was hope," Monse said.

"Oh, my God!" Ruby said, but saw the pastor next to him, "I mean goodness. Seriously?"

"What?" Elizabeth asked as she handed a couple a program.

"There is a typo in the program. 'Their' is spelled with an e-r-e instead of e-i-r. Only e-i-r shows possession,"

"Really?" Monse glared at Ruby, "you think this is a time to grammar troll?"

"Jamal was supposed to double check before they were printed," Ruby stressed.

"Add it to the list. He's a loser," Monse rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I know you're mad, but try to temper the 'tude today," Ruby advised Monse, "be cool when Jamal gets here,"

"He's not coming. We're better for it," Monse spat.

"What about Olivia?" Ruby asked, "Cesar probably won't show either,"

"We don't know that," Monse insisted.

"He just killed someone," Ruby hissed at their friend.

"We don't know that for sure," Monse still insisted.

"Monse..." Elizabeth trailed off, "we know,"

Olivia and Jasmine emerged from the back with Jasmine looking very sickly and pale while Olivia looked like she just wanted to get away from Jasmine. However, Jasmine started coughing and got closer to Ruby and started almost leaning on him.

"Lover, can I borrow your pocket square?" Jasmine held out her hand.

"Use your hand!" Ruby freaked out, moving to stand next to Monse.

"I think you need to go back inside, Jas," Elizabeth said.

"But away from me," Olivia quickly said.

"Then where should I go?" Jasmine asked.

"Daycare center," Ruby said, but everyone just looked at him, "what? Babies are always sick,"

Olivia sighed, "have you seen Cesar?"

"Not yet. But you know Cesar, dude takes forever to primp. I bet he's on his way," Monse smiled at the newly 15 year old girl.

"Olivia, let's go back inside and get ready," Elizabeth walked away with Olivia in attempt to distract her, "you look beautiful,"

"Thank you," Olivia smiled, "you too,"

"Gracias. Now I gotta go ask someone something. Be back soon," Elizabeth walked back out to see Cesar with his head shaved, "hey, baldy. Nice of you to finally show up,"

After a long ceremony, it was finally time for people to talk to the princess and get pictures in. Ruby, Monse, Cesar, and Elizabeth went up to Olivia as Cesar kissed her cheek.

"Hey, you looked incredible out there," Cesar smiled at his girlfriend.

"That's good because my knees are wrecked. Kneeling for an hour is not a blessing," Olivia joked.

"But you are blessed," Elizabeth walked back to Ruby and Monse to give the couple their space. Olivia walked away after a while to talk to a few more guests while Cesar went back to their friends.

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