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'Can we talk?'
Ashton nodded and stood up. He knew that they had to talk about it at some point. Maybe just facing it would be the best way to deal with the situation.

The boys went to the back of the bus in which they were currently still sitting in. They would arrive at the airport soon and Luke wanted to talk to Ashton before they left the country for the next concerts.

'So?', Ashton asked, biting his lip. Knowing that you would hear what will break your heart was horrible.

'I.. I didn't know that you had feelings for me.. jesus, Ash. I would've never kissed you..', the boy said, feeling the guilt eat him up alive.

'It's okay.. I should've told you.'

'I feel so bad.. All this talking about Sierra infront of you..'

'It's okay Luke. I can deal with it', Ashton said, avoiding to look at the blonde. He didn't want Luke to see the tears in his eyes. Of course he was lying but he had to deal with it. There was no way around that.

'I'm sorry Ash, seriously.'

'I know Luke and I told you it's fine. I know that you don't feel the same. Just leave it now please', Ashton said, standing up. He just wanted to be alone, dealing with the heartbreak on his own.

'Wait', Luke spoke up. He grabbed Ashton's wrist, preventing him from walking away.

'No. Stop.'
The hurt in their eyes was clearly visible because both boys were just very unhappy with the situation.
Luke felt like losing his best friend when he let the drummer go, watching him disappear in the front of the bus.

'What did you do now?', Michael asked as he sat down next to Luke, hugging his side.

'I just wanted to talk.. I wanted to make it okay but I can't. I lost him Mike.'

'No you didn't. Luke, he needs time. You're still his best friend and we all know that but he's hurt. Give him time', Michael said. He was a little mad that Luke didn't see what he did to Ashton before he had told him but in the end, Luke was one of his best friends and nothing could change that. Not even if he was acting like a total dick.

Only ten minutes later, they had to leave the bus.
Calum and Ashton were in the small bathroom of the bus, preparing Ashton for the waiting fans.

'I can't Cal. I'm a hopeless mess', Ashton sobbed. The crying boy sat on the closed toilet seat and Calum kneeled infront of him, trying to calm him down.
With his thumbs, he wiped Ashton's tears away.

'Don't say that. You'll be okay Ash', Calum said and pulled the boy up, right into his arms. Ashton silently cried into Calum's shirt, desperately trying to stop.

'I'm pathetic Cal, I'm sorry.'

'You're not. You are a strong man, okay?' Calum brought some distance between the two, making Ashton look into his eyes.
With a sigh, Ashton nodded, letting out a shaky breath.

'Let's go, huh?'

'Yeah, yeah. Let me just collect myself. I'll be out in a minute?'
Calum nodded and patted Ashton's shoulder once more before leaving.

The drummer on the other hand splashed some cold water in his face, trying to get rid of any evidence of him crying just minutes ago.
With a towel, he dried off his wet face and leaned on the edge of the sink, looking at himself in the mirror.

'Can't be that hard to get over that long-legged dork', he said to himself before taking a deep breath and leaving the bathroom.
The other boys were already waiting for him and gave him a warm smile as he joined them.


'Yeah', Ashton answered and followed the boys out of the bus. They were quickly surrounded by bodyguards, making it almost impossible to get their suitcases out of the bus.
Eventually, they succeeded and walked towards the entrance of the airport, where their fans were already waiting.

'Stay together, guys! We don't have too much time. Just a couple of photos and autographs.'
The boys nodded, walking a little faster to have a little more time to make their fans happy.
While Ashton seemed to do an actual quite good job at smiling and hiding his emotional chaos, Luke was complete opposite.
He stumbled past the fans, only taking three pictures before it was too much.
The guitarist earned a few confused and concerned looks but couldn't care less. All he thought about was how badly he had hurt Ashton and that it was only his fault, that Ashton had cried in the bathroom.

'Luke, wait up!', a voice yelled behind him. The blonde turned around, only to be faced with Ashton.


'Please Luke. I don't want this weird distance between us. I hate arguing with you and I'm sorry that I was so mean to you earlier. I just need time to accept it but I don't want this getting in the way of our friendship', Ashton rambled, making Luke smile.

'I'm sorry too', he answered, pulling Ashton into a hug. The drummer tensed a bit but soon relaxed in his friend's arms. Maybe this wouldn't be as easy as Ashton thought it would be, but they could definitely make it.

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