It Happened

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Kong doesn't even know how did it happened but the entire wedding was processed in a span of 3 months as if they have a deadline to meet. Arthit told him that there would be no announcement of the wedding so the media will never know when it will be held. They agreed that they will only say it when asked but other than that, no one will know about it. The Rojnapat are using an extra mile to keep the secrecy of the wedding, only the closest family members and friends are going to attend. 

They have agreed to make the wedding as simple as possible – no extravagant venue, designs and whatnots. Just them and their family is enough and they are both thankful that their respective family respected that.

Kong is the one who opened up about the simple wedding since first, he didn't want everyone to spend huge amount of money for it. Second, despite accepting the fact that they're getting married, half of him still feels guilty for entering this step in his life where he is not even sure if what may happen next. Lastly, he feels like they'll be more pressured into the situation if they make a grand wedding though he knows that it is something that would actually fit someone with Arthit's status.

Arthit on the other hand respected Kong's decision and requests. He knows that at the end of the day, it is Kong who is adjusting on a lot of things and he doesn't really wish for a grand wedding either. Their family already had one with Mook, he'd rather have one that is very intimate with just close family and friends so he immediately agreed when Kong requested for it. 

Kong felt like things were just a passing fashion in front of him. He just busies himself in the hospital and when he receives a call form Maprang, that's the only thing he'll go meet her.

He did his suit measurement and fitting, Maprang made him choose over ten pairs of branded shoes, he was scheduled for some spa and facial to 'loosen' his nerves and he even had a haircut. The haircut that made a fuzz in the hospital with people saying "Dr. Suthiluck, you're already good looking as it is and now you're even more handsome. Must be hard to maintain your looks when you have someone as handsome as Arthit Rojnapat as your fiancé." And Kong can only fake a smile in response.

Kong was informed that only Arthit's parents, Pring, Mook and her husband Toyy are coming over to Thailand for the wedding as Arthit's grandparents from both sides cannot really travel out of the country nowadays and somehow, that sent some relief on Kong. They will be asking for blessings from the elders on Kong's side. His grandparents from his father's side and his grandmother from his mother's side are the elders who are going to be present.

Kong refused the idea of the dowry and Arthit understood so they didn't push through it. They will not really follow the traditional Thai wedding but there are some practices that they wanted to follow, and one of those is making merits.

They both visited a temple to make merit. Both also made a donation to the temple and prayed for a peaceful life ahead. They also honoured their ancestors and they were blessed by monks in return. Kong sometimes asks himself if things are really happening in front of him or are they just a dream.

"Thank you for coming Kong." This will always be Arthit's sentence when he comes over to any arrangement that they need to do for the wedding and Kong doesn't know what to say but only nod and smile in return.

Arthit knows how hard it is for Kong to deal with everything and he is not having an easy time either. He let his personal assistant, Maprang be in-charge of assisting his mother and future mother-in-law Shine with the wedding preparation. He just hopes for things to end up soon as well as he is getting tired.

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