Of work nights, wines and temptations

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Juggling surgeries, constant pressure from Dr. Niti who is his department head and then his classes, Kong can sometimes only pray for 24 hours to extend so he can finish all the things he needs to do in a day. He is not complaining since he really likes all his jobs, it's just that sometimes, time just won't allow him to do it all at once.

Kong enjoys his 3 classes and most of the students are nice. They are always approaching him for questions that he happily answers. Dr. Earth, another lecturer and his substitute lecturer is really nice too. He always extends a helping hand to Kong when he is having some problems in class.

Kong can't help but feel nostalgic as his students reminds him of himself. He really likes the fact that he gets to teach people who are going to be his future colleagues.


Arthit came home past 10pm, he had to extend in the office due to some production issues that needs to be addressed. He massaged his nape as he remembers the other pending jobs that he needs to finish. Being the acting-CEO of the Thailand office is both a pleasure and pressure for him. Pleasure because he likes what he is doing. Just like what he told Kongpob before, he really can't imagine himself doing other things. It is also a pressure because people are just waiting for him to do something wrong, do a wrong decision and blast into him for not being deserving to for the CEO spot.

Once he entered their living room, he saw the lights turned on in their dining area. He made his way and found his husband busy with his laptop, books and some papers sprawled in the table with a cup of coffee beside him. He knows that for people like them, coffee is something that gets their blood pumped up at any time of the day but he can't help but think that it is past 10 in the evening already.

He watches him stand up and carry his cup to the coffee maker.

"How many cups have you drank today?" and his words made Kongpob jump in the middle of the kitchen. He didn't even see him or hear him enter the house. He was too engrossed into his presentation for his class.

"Oh you're home." Kongpob smiled at him but Arthit just raised a brow, waiting for a response.

"Kong, how many?" he asked again and Kongpob just smiled at him sheepishly. He has completely forgotten how many cups he has drank since this morning.

Arthit approached him and got the cup from his hand before asking him to sit down. He obeyed and observed Arthit thinking that he was going to pour coffee in his cup.

"I have been cutting down with my own caffeine because my doctor husband said so..." Arthit said as he walked towards him with a glass of water in his hand.

"And yet here he is, making coffee as his water." Arthit raised a brow at him as he placed the glass of cold water on the table. Kong cannot help but pout. He knows that Arthit is right and he is guilty at that.

"I cannot fall asleep since I am busy with my presentation and I'm working on with the exams of my students." He reasoned out before he took a sip on the glass.

"Okay then, you don't need a coffee to keep yourself up. I'll go take a quick shower and then join you here." and Arthit didn't wait for Kong to reply as he left to go up to their room.

True to his words, Arthit came down 20 minutes later, fresh from shower with his laptop and some folders. Kong watched him settle few chairs across him.

That night, Arthit worked alongside with Kong, no words really shared but meaningful glances were enough. Both called it a day past 12 midnight.

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