Arthit's office

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When they arrived in the lobby, Kong doesn't really know what to do. He was thinking twice in approaching the receptionist and he refused Drake's offer of accompanying him here.

He sat on the lobby's receiving area as he contemplated while looking around. He is impressed by the building design already but coming inside is more impressive. He was feeling the same feeling he had when he first entered the grandiose mansion in China.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone call his attention.

"Kong! It's really you, I thought I was just seeing things." Knot approached him.

"Oh, hi Knot." Kong greeted as he stood up.

"What are you doing here? Should I call Arthit?" Knot asked as he carefully asses the doctor. Of course he knows things from his best friend and from his lover who is stressed out by the situation as well. Tew even once cried in his arms while letting out his frustration for Kong and Aim.

"No don't. I actually... came to visit." Kong replied, unsure of himself as well. His statement made Knot smile.

"Thinking about it, this is the first time you came am I right?" Knot confirmed and Kong nodded.

"Well then welcome to Yang-RJP, Dr. Suthiluck." Knot even raised a hand which made Kong chuckle as he responded to the handshake.

"Let's go. Arthit must be in his office, it's quite hectic these days." Knot said as he led the way. He made sure to pass by the receptionist and have create a code which confused the doctor.

"It is for you to freely come in next time. Employees uses ID badges, as Arthit's husband, you just need a code like him." Knot explained and his explanation made the receptionists eyes widen as they greeted him all together. Kong greeted back as he gave his four digit code- 0062.

Inside the elevator, Kong doesn't feel well and he knows it is not nausea, it is the fact that he's in Arthit's office for the first time. Arthit has come over the hospital several times, obviously confirming their marriage to prying eyes aside from the fact that he has been wearing his wedding ring most of the time.

The elevator stopped by the 29th floor which confused Kong. He knows that Arthit's office is on the top, 30th floor as he has told him about it before.

"Kong, can I have a word with you before you go and see Arthit?" Knot asked as they stepped out of the elevator. Kong knew that this may happen, especially with how Bright reacted to him this morning so he just nodded. He knows that he deserves this. They arrived in Knot's office.

"Anything you want to drink?" Knot asked as Kong sat on the couch.

"Water please."

Knot got him a glass of water and sat in front of him.

"Bright told us of what he did this morning, except Arthit." Knot started and Kong remained silent.

"Please understand that we are here for the both of you but we always got Arthit's back in whatever situation unless we know he is at fault." Knot continued.

"Did you know that we almost lost a foreign investor when he received Aim's call in the middle of the meeting and instantly left in panic? No one knew what was going on until Bright called Aim to ask since we had no idea why he left after receiving that call." Knot asked and that caught Kong off guard. Of course he doesn't know, they have not talked about work at all, they barely talk aside from short phrases and that made Kong close his eyes to control his emotions.

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