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I pick Allyson up off of the couch, carrying her to her bed. It was near Christmas time. Also near the end of the first semester of my senior year. 17 is still looking up for me. My baby. My boy. My family. My friends.

I'm young, beyond young. But this feels right. Xavier feels right. My girl with me, in my arms. It feels right. Even if we are young. I honestly, cant wait to marry this girl.

I squeeze her tighter in my arms. Falling asleep. I'm woken up by the loud cries of Xavier from the crib at the foot of the bed. She starts to get up. "Lay down babygirl, I've got this one" I says grabbing her hand laying her back down.

I get to his crib, picking him up and holding him in my arms. He pooped. I lay him on the changing table and change his diaper. He stops crying and falls asleep in my arms again. I look at the time. 4:30 am. I lay back down. Falling asleep next to Allyson.

I wake up, to the sound of Allysons alarm. "Turn it off" I say annoyed. Covering my head with pillows.

"We have online school orientation today, remember?"

"What time is it. I say dramatically throwing my pillow across her room.

"7:30, we need to be there by 9." She says getting up and putting on loose clothing.

I stand. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a hoodie that I found in her wardrobe. I grab Xavier and change his diaper. Put him in day clothes and feed him milk that Allyson had pre pumped.

"I'm ready to go." She says walking down the stairs. Online school was a compromise I had to make for Allyson and Xavier. My friends, as loyal as they are decided they wanted to do online as well.

After registration we got back to the house. the baby was crying. Allyson was rolling her eyes. "Goddamnit Xavuer, what, what do you want" she says annoyed.

"You need to calm down Allyson. If he wont eat and his diaper doesnt need changed hes probably just tired. Here. I'll take him to the crib." She puts him in my arms rolling her eyes and grabbing a snack. "Dont roll your eyes at me Allyson. I know your stressed but I dont deserve attitude." I say walking up the stairs. I hear her sigh in the distance.

"Hes not gonna fall asleep" she yells up the stairs.

"Not if you keep yelling hes not." I say annoyed even though she cant hear me.

A/n sorry this chapter is shit, they'll get better and more exciting I promise. I'm pre writing a bunch right now because I'm starting a new job and wont have time to write everyday, but I'm still uploading everyday so I need pre written chapters. Anyway love you guys byeeeee

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