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I cleaned myself up. Showering, fixing my hair. Brushing my teeth, putting on a basic out fit that was still cute, it looked like this,

 Brushing my teeth, putting on a basic out fit that was still cute, it looked like this,

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I grab my phone, charger because it's almost dead, I'll charge it in the car. I grab Xaviers diaper bag. Putting more diapers and wipes in there. Fixing him a bottle before taking everything to the car. It's only 5:30 so I decide to pick up some McDonalds. Which takes forever because the lobby is closed because of Coronavirus so drive thru takes 25 minutes. I get to Mattias 5 minutes late.

He comes out to the car, hugging me. For a long time. Its exactly what I needed right now. I let a few tears fall from my eyes. I really fucked things up this time. Its okay, we can fix this, we can work this out.

He let's go finally and he wipes my eyes. "Hi" he says before going to get Xavier. "I needed that just as much as you did." He says with Xavier in his arms. Making him laugh by making faces at him. My heart melts in my chest. What a dad. I walk in after them holding his diaper bag.

"I miss you more than anything Mattia, it's hard, without you. It's like I wake up  and I dont know what to do, I just lay there. Like i used to do, before you. And i was okay with it then, but after I started hanging out with you, after I found out how much there really is, I cant do it anymore. It sucks. You are what doesnt suck. You and Xav, and I need both of you. I know I messed up. Bad, I did the worst thing I've ever done, and if you cant forgive me I g-" he cuts me off by placing his lips on mine. I kiss back immediately. I missed this feeling more than I've ever missed anything in the world.

He pulls away looking me right in the eyes. "My turn to talk" he says. "I've missed you too Allyson. Being without you for this long fucked with me, and it's only been one week. But, you have to promise, promise you wont hurt me again. I cant be with someone who cant be loyal. I need you here for me and Xavier 1000%. I'm going to be there for you 1000% no matter what. I need you to promise that you can do that for us too."

"I promise, I promise to be loyal. To be there for you guys 1000% because you two are the most important people in my life. I love you Mattia Polibio, more than I should."

"I love you more than you'll ever know Allyson. More than anything in the world." He says hugging me. We stay like that for the longest time. Me, the love of my life, and our son. Please, never let this end. I'll do anything, anything to keep this, forever.

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