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"I'll see you next week to pick him up Allyson, he has a little cold right now so he needs to take this medicine before bed." Mattia says

"I think I know what's best for my son Mattia" I say

Hes my son too Allyson, and clearly you didnt know what was best for him when you cheated on me and ruined our relationship. I'll see you next monday."

"Fuck you Mattia"

"I think Mar can handle that for you" he says flipping me off and walking to his car. I slam the front door

My eyes rip open. I sit up on my bed looking around the room. It was just a dream. Thank god. I grab my phone off the charger and look at the messages.

2 missed calls. One missed facetime. 2 texts from Alexis. One from Allan. 4 from Kairi. 2 from Alejandro. One from Mar.

Missed Call from Lex
Missed Call from Allan
Missed Facetime from Alejandro

I check my messages

What happened
with you and Mattia
last night

Sleep good girl, text
me tomorrow, I love

I really messed things
up between me and
Mattia last night. We're
gonna talk about it today

Then I look at Allan's message.

Hey Ally, I dont know
what happened but I
saw how crushed Mattia
looked on his spam. I
hope you, him and
Xavier are okay

I messed up, real bad
but, dont worry about
us, well all be okay

Now for Kairi

What's up with Mattia

Hes not doing well at all

Idk what you did to him
but it's really fucking with
him, he needs you Allyson

You cheated on him? With
Mar, come one. Fix this
Allyson. He loves you.

I know, I fucked up
I love him too much
to lose him. I'll fix it.

Now for Alejandro

You good?

If you love him, why'd
you do this to him?

I dont know what I
was thinking.

I put my phone down. Fuck me bro. I'm such a fucking idiot. Theres a knock on the door downstairs. I pull myself out of bed walking downstairs to the front door.

"Go talk to him Allyson. Hes hurting. He misses you. You've got to do this. He loves you. And although I know you fucked up. You guys belong together."

There they all were. Alexis, Alejandro, Kairi and Allan.

"He needs his space. He asked for it.

"Yeah and his space isn't helping him at all Allyson" Alejandro butts in.

"Okay okay" I say grabbing my phone and calling him

"Hello" he says sounding upset

"Come over? So we can talk"

"Yeah, I'll be there soon." He says hanging up

"You all need to go, hes coming over"

Forever | mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now