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I lay down in his bed, Mattia upstairs grabbing all if Xavier's things. I lay Xav in his crib after I get him asleep. Mattia walks down. Smiling at me before laying down next to me and pulling me in to cuddle him. I wrap my arms around my torso, smiling up at him.

"So, what'd you do thus last week? Yknow without me"

"You want the truth or?" I ask.

"The truth, duh" he laughs out, pulling me closer.

"Well um, I think my bed has a permanent indent of my body, cause I ain't ever leave my bed except to take care of Xav. And that was only up to 30 minutes at a time. What did you do?"

"Well, I only left the house once, to drop Xavier with you. I had the boys over a few times, tay and vic as well. We didnt do much though. Usually I just layed in my room. On tiktok, filling in the time, which seemed to be so long. Its weird yknow, without having you around. I was so used to being at your house or having you here. Sometimes I would see a funny post or video and immediately try to show you and everytime I would feel disappointed when I looked at my side and remembered you weren't there." He says looking at me again.

"Well, I'm here now, and this time I'm never doing anything to fuck this up ever again." I smile kissing him. Next thing I know half of my clothes are off and Mattia is putting a condom on. (Theres a first)

~skip sex again, smut is to awkward for me~

I lay down on the bed cuddling next to Mattia. Xavier starts crying in the other room.

"Nose goes" I smile putting my finger on my nose. Mattia gets up, putting sweats on. Walking to the other side of his room, getting Xavier back to sleep faster than I ever have.

"Fuck you for being so good at that" I say laughing as he gets in bed next to me.

"Its easy, he likes to be held close to the chest, and when you whisper sh in his ear his out fast fast." He says wrapping his arms around me again.

"I try everything, my fastest time getting him to sleep is ten minutes. It took you less than two"

"You're a good person, Allyson. You're going to be a great mom, everything takes some adjustment, you're good at pretty much everything." He says kissing me. "Goodnight baby, feels food to have tou in my arms again"

"Feels good to be in them again, I love you" I say before falling asleep. Happiest I've felt since after Xavier was born.

A/n I'm stressed, pissed, annoyed and bored. But it's cool cuz I also got dumped last week. Oopsies, oh well.

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