"great" little sister pt5 raino

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This is the next day

Shinos POV-

I was sitting on the couch when I get a text from radier.

9:33 am

R: hey want to hang out

Sure, where are we meeting :S

R: how about the usual place

Ok meet you there bye :S

Out of the phone

I am so excited I cant remember the last time we hung out. Plus my brothers were out with there crushes as well. I got up put my journal away and teleported to the park.

I seen radier under a tree after looking around. "Hey radier" I shout running over to him. "Hey shino" he greets stepping out of the shade. "What do you want to do" he asked.

"What about the carnival" I say. "Great idea" he says. "Do you want to walk or teleport" he asks. "Walk its nice out" I say happily. He chuckled and starts walking. "Wait for me" I yell running after him.

"How about we race" I say looking at him. "Your on" he says sprinting away. "HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR" I say starting to run again. Caught up to him fast and started running passed him.

When we got there I started giggling. "I won" I say throwing up my arms. I look back and he was blushing. I ignore it and start dragging him over to a bench to catch are breath.

"What do you want to do first" he asks. "What about getting nice cream first Amai N-han" I say. "I told you to stop calling me that" he said looking at me. "What when we first met you kidnapped me so Amai N-han is appropriate" I say teasing him.

"But I hate how we first met" he complained. "I thought it was enjoyable, you didn't hurt me" I say looking at him. He just sighed. "So I'm going to keep calling you Amai N-han" I say looking at the carnival.

Amai N-han means sweet kidnapper

He throws his arms up indefat "fine" he says also look at the carnival. "Come on let's go get nice cream" I say standing up.

We walk to the nice cream place and order. I got a vinalla ice cream and radier got chocolate.

We finished and threw away are garbage. We started talking about what has happened the last couple weeks. Then I bumped into someone making me stumble. "Sorry" I say looking up. It was goth. "Oni-chan" I say happily.

"Hey shino what are you doing here" he asks. "Me and radier came here a few hours ago" I say. I look to his side and blueprint was there. "Hey blueprint" I said looking at him. I just waved. "Where palette and raven" I ask.

"Raven said he needed to talk to palette" goth said. I sigh and say "where did they go."

"Over there" goth pointed. "I will be right back" I say walking in that direction.

When I got there raven and palette were arguing "Oni-chan" I yell. He looks over "hey shino" he says glaring at palette. "Leave him alone" I paused "and come on your boyfriends are waiting." They start blushing and chase after me.

When I got there I hide behind radier. And said while giggling "tsubusu save me."  I look up and goth and blueprint were stopping them.

Then I noticed radier blushing. 'Why is he blushing' I think. Then the more I thought about it I realized I said tsubusus which means crush and I taught him that. I started blushing a huge of blue.

I noticed everyone was looking at us blushing. Then I black out of embarrassment.

-radiers POV-

I seen shino ran back to us with palette and raven chasing after her. She hid behind me and said "tsubusus save me." Then I started blushing because she taught me what it ment. after a few moments she started blushing. I look up and everyone was staring at us blushing. "Umm-" I try to say something but I heard her fall behind me.

I caught her before she hit her head. Goth and Raven rushed over. "What happened" goth asked frantically. "She realised what she said" I say looking at her.

"She only said tsubusus save me" raven said. "Do you know what that translates to" I say looking up. "No" they say in Sync. I start blushing. "What does it mean" goth asked. "She said crush save me" I say blushing more.

Words 748

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