pt. 13

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-no ones POV- at the afterdeath house -

The house was silent but not the peaceful silence. There was a somber silence through out the house.

Geno was sitting in the kitchen looking at a picture worried for his second eldest son.

The eldest son cried him self to sleep hours ago.

The third eldest was in his room staring at the first page in his book not reading, he's been sitting in his room starring since after the news.

The second youngest was starting at his phone screen, he usually says he's blank but now he was filled with tears, he didn't notice his phone screen turned off hours ago and didn't notice he was letting out some of the tears.

And the youngest was heartbroken the second oldest was like her bestfriend, she told him everything and went to him when something happened that day. She sat on her bed curled up hugging a soft pillow, the pillow was damp from all the tears she has been letting out for hours.

-Genos POV-

I'm currently sitting in the kitchen staring at a picture. The picture was me, reaper, goth, raven, sorell, silver and shino. We were sitting in lifes garden. Shino was playing with puppets along with raven, sorell was reading a book so was goth and silver was on his phone, while reaper and I was watching shino and raven play. Life took the picture without was noticing.

I feel tears dripping down my face and onto the table. All I could think was raven would try to make us laugh.

I sigh and get up to check my phone. I kept checking it to see if blueprint got some information. No messages. I suddenly feel arms rap around me.

"We are going to find him" reaper said from behind me.

I turn around and bary my face in his cloak and cry more.

He rubs my back and takes me over to the couch to sit down.

-sorells POV-

I'm sitting in my room on the window sill. I'm starting at the first page in my book. I couldn't read with all of this going on. The only think I could think about was last night when I talked to blueprint. 'Is that why he called mom, why was he here this morning.' That was the only thing flowing threw my head.

I couldn't hear my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I was to lost in thought. The thing that snapped me out of my thoughts was my phone fall off the nightstand with a thud.

I look over and my phone was on the floor. I get off the window sill and put my book on the shelf in my room and go to pick it up.

I look at the phone screen there was 8 miss calls and 5 message all from rewrite. I sigh and put my phone down on the nightstand. I didn't feel like talking right now.

-silvers POV-

I have been floating above my bed and staring at my phone thinking. Thinking of 'how did he go missing, is he hurt, is he dead.' The word dead kept played in my head over and over. Getting louder and louder.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and startles me and some how stops my magic. So I fall on my bed and my phone falls on the floor.

I groan and get my phone off the floor. It was a text from Kenza. I put my phone down and lie on my bed staring at the rain fall out my window.

-shinos POV-

I am currently curled up in a ball on my bed crying into a soft pillow. I know raven would tell me a joke to cheer me up right now like he also does. But he isn't here beside me telling a cheesy joke. After awhile I hear silver fall on his bed acrossed the room on his side with a groan. Along with his phone falling on the floor. I just ignored it. And continue to hug my pillow.


-goths POV- dreamland -

I currently walking in a park I'm not sure which one but I was here when I woke up. I continue to walk and I see raven standing in the distance staring at me. I start walking away I've seen horror movies.

But as I start walking away the floor under me vanished like it was never there. I start to plummet into the dark void. I close my eyes and when I opened them I was not falling anymore.

I get up and look around I see a patch of grass in the distance along with a screen of some sort. I walk up to the screen and it said "GAME OVER" the only thing that came to mind was 'why game over.'

I turn around and see a ghost like man in the distance. I couldn't take my eyes off him. And he just kept getting closer and closer.

Are faces were just a few inches apart when he snapped his fingers. My eyes widened because I am now in water and I can't breathe. I look around for light. Light was above me so I start swimming up. I just made it when I reached the top.

I look around and there was a boat. I start swimming towards the boat. I get on the boat and raven was across the boat sitting there staring along the distance.

He looks back at me and his eyes widened. Then he said "it worked."

"What I thought this was a nightmare" I say starting at the boat.

"Sorry that's the only way this works" raven says.

"Wait I'm actually talking to you" I say staring at him in disbelief

"Ermm kinda" raven says look at his hands.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"I'm using the rest of my magic" he says looking at me.

"Your not supposed to be using your magic" I yell.

"I know this isn't how I really look right now Ethier" he says.

"What do yo-" the boat starts rocking.

"No time your waking up and he is coming back black wood forest" raven says as I somehow fall out of the boat.

I couldn't breathe and there was no light this time. And all I couldn't hear was my name getting louder and louder.

WORDS 1065

One Big Afterdeath family Book *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now