Proud stalker

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You could hear kids chattering and being noisy. That was the happiness of the end of the school year being unleashed. I didn't have any plans for my holiday. I'd just go with the flow.

Upon going throught the accounts I follow on Instagram, a friend of mine tagged her sister. I thought to have a look.

I followed her then I went through her posts. They were quite appealing. I found something I wasn't expecting at all that moment. Jay was tagged in one of the photos. He looked so carefree. Out of excitement I clicked on the tag. The network was slow so it took some time to load. His account was interesting! There were meaningful pictures like one against women abuse (feminist?). Then there were pictures of and about weed. One post that caught my eye was the video he made of his reaction when people tell him taking weed is gonna give him cancer. I didn't watch since my network was super slow.

At some point I told my friend Picassio and he called me a stalker. I wasn't offended, if anything I was proud. I mean I was looking for him then all of a sudden outta the blue I found him. I deserve an award.

This was probably a cowardly move but I had my reasons. I operated on two accounts so I decided, well if Jay is interested in me he will text me. So then I liked a picture of his with the other account. (As you can see I am very irrational).

During Christmas I saw a new post again and I liked it with the other account again. I figured he'd figure out what was going if he read in the between lines.

Jays POV


So I get notifications of likes I got on Instagram. Surprisingly they weren't from any of my friends. I view the user and I'm confused because it doesn't have someone's name it's more of a group thing but one of the users tagged the most is Scarlet (username). She doesn't have a lot of followers, which is not surprising since she doesn't follow back I see. She has a few posts, pictures of her and her group of friends.

Let's get back to the real world. Is she stalking me? I don't understand, how the f did she find my account? She must be crazy obsessed. Social media these days, got people finding us out of no where. Worst part is, I can't delete my account/s they're in use of promoting my rap career.

Why didn't she just follow me? Or even text me? She's really confusing and I'm starting to get mixed vibes from her. I hope she doesn't come back to school next year (I hope she transfers).

She's smart I've seen her get awards at school during the year. Maybe she used her brains to find me. That's why I never trust smart people, you think they got school work going on in their mind, but actually there's other horrors going on. I wonder what she thought when she saw my account...

Scarlets POV

My holiday wasn't going as planned (I didn't have plans). I was upset that I had to go back to my old school. I had really hoped to be out of that school the next year, but my wish wasn't granted. It wasn't because I was avoiding Jay or anything. I just didn't like the school. I don't run away from problems I face them. And I wasn't going to run away from this one. It wasn't exactly a problem it was more of a situation...awkward situation.

Jay's POV

Guess who's a senior now... this guy! They said I wouldn't and they said I couldn't, but I did. I'm proving everyone wrong. I don't know how though, I mean I'm a stoner I ain't even that smart but I am irresistibly gorgeous and I'm a senior!


Jess and I had started bonding and we had a strong relationship. I took a beautiful picture of her and posted it. At that time Scarlet wasn't even on mind. Why is she even on my mind? I don't care for her. I don't deserve her; she'll suffer if she ever gets with me. I don't want to hurt her. She's too young to be in shit. I don't want to change her. I don't want to destroy her life, her future; I don't want her to be a stoner. I can't get her of my mind. Maybe it's voodoo. This is why I'm a stoner, I overthink. To forgetting Scarlet (for the moment anyway). Haa (exhale smoke)

Scarlet's POV

Jay is forever smoking, I saw him today. I was walking near the trees and we had to stand there a while since we had to remove thorns from our clothes. He was not far away. He did look at me or should I say, through me. I would say I'm transparent, like glass and he sees everything next to me, behind me. We could even say that I'm invisible.

It's been like 3 months since he found out that I like him but he has never approached me, even when we pass each other not far apart, he says nothing I don't even know why I expected him to.

Maybe two or three weeks after I saw the post, I searched for his account. It was gone, completely or so I think. I searched, I went to other accounts.  I went to Jess' tags he was no where to be found. And the best part was I blamed myself, beyond a reasonable doubt. Even though I didn't know and he didn't say it was because of me, I happily took credit.

Scarlet and Jay, really? Are these two meant for each other or is it just a phase that Scarlet's going through, that'll pass?

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