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Trigger warning: this part contains explicit description of torture. Please be objective while reading.

Jay's POV

I have seen some crazy people out there but non like Scarlet, she's different on another level. She finally followed me. She checks out my stories but she doesn't like or comment, she's more of a stalker. If it was another girl I'd be concerned but she seems harmless.

My holiday was going to be a busy one. I was going to promote my Instagram page and my Soundcloud. Music needs a lot of hard work, anybody can rap so you don't want to be an once of like everybody else. You want to be the best in the game and you have to stay at the top.

I really wanted to make the holiday all about my music, writing editing and promoting. Some things you just have to do yourself otherwise you're going to sit and wait on emty promises.

In life to achieve something, you have to think about the goal then take action to achieving it. I don't know why but I felt like life was going to get better. I felt a new dawn arising, like the dark hour has passed and I was finally going to see the light.

My aunt thought it would be a good idea if we invited family over for a small gathering. I didn't think that it was a good idea because I knew how everyone didn't get along that well.

My mom, dad, and other family members came over. We had a braai and some snacks and five of my cousins came over.

My parents are divorced and it's really awkward when they're together because they can't even look at each other or be in the same place at once.

One thing I learnt from my mother is that you should never overstay a toxic situation because it'll diminish you as a human being and torture your soul.

My father was verbally abusive and a little physical too. I wasn't proud of him or his actions, he depressed me and that took away both mine and my sister's childhood happiness.

I can't judge him because I'm not any better, I smoke and don't even do great in school. I might smoke but I'm  far more better than my father, at least I treat people with respect or ignore them.

My aunt did an amazing job taking care of my sister and I while my mom gets on her feet, both my parents send in money, other times food too. They even go out with us.

As much as I wanted to sneak out with my cousins and go for a smoke and drinks I had to speak to my mom. I could see the sadness in her eyes. Being around my father drains her energy it takes a lot of her strength, she can't stand him.

"You okay?" I asked comforting her, I am super sensitive when it comes to my mom and that's one good thing that came out of that situation, it made me a good person. "I'm okay Jay, it's not him, just that I haven't had a break from work so I'm pretty tired but don't worry I'll get some rest." I was glad that my father wasn't causing my mom's weakness.

I did feel sorry for her though she's always fighting and working so hard. She deserved a break. We all need a break from time to time, not just from our day to day activities but also from life. Life can be exhausting and that needs you to take a break and let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe my mom let out a sigh of relief when she divorced my dad, it might've been painful but not as painful as the situation. I didn't care if my mom replaced him as long as the person respected her and cared for her. She deserved love and happiness too, so do all the other women who've been in abusive relationships, they're not just victims they're victors and they've conquered a war.

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