Hate the Player

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I'm sitting in the company of Tracy, staring down at my phone, on Sunday afternoon. I roll my eyes in anger. My best friend, Tracy wants to know all the details of the previous day. I'm regretting my choice of coming over in the first place; I hardly had any energy for the day how was I going to deal with her? Safe to say, I wouldn't.

"Before you tell me anything, rumours say that Jay only wants you so that he can fuck you and maybe he already did so your shit is going to end soon." I look at her like she's crazy.

"Whatever, they speak from experience." I say in laughter. To me it's just typical high school girls, who are jealous.

"Some crazy ass just hit me up." I say to Tracy.

"Who?" she asks, as I hand her my phone. "Hey Scarlet, so I heard you have a thing for Jay, better leave him, he's mine." She reads out. We exchange looks and nod. "Yeah, he's living the life of a playboy." She comments. I bet she's wondering if we actually had sex.

"Interesting posts." Tracy says. I grab my phone and she was right. She moans as she gazed at her phone. "Girl have you been looking at the comments, of your picture with Jay?" she asked. I certainly haven't, thinking they were just compliments.

What I see is exactly the opposite! "He's been leading you on, Scarlet! All these girls are clearly getting that." Tracy explains, "They're showing you to be a possessive, desperate girl." I look at her, unimpressed, "We're not even dating, they're just jealous, crazy bitches trying to make me look bad. But this Chloe girl, Jay has explaining to do. For his own fucken sake! His bitches better not text me!" I explain with seriousness in my voice. I was so pissed off.

It's sunny and the fresh scent of blooming flowers takes over the air. I'm walking into school hoping to find my friends at their usual spot. A hand grabs mine; I stop as I look back to my "prom date". "Hi, Scarlet." Jay said. "Uh, hi Chloe." I say and his expression changed as I looked into his sorry excuse for a soul. "What happened at prom, Jay?" I ask, wanting answers and only that.

Jay's POV

I'm cornered, I have to answer to her questions otherwise she's going to throw a frenzy. The honest truth was that I've been talking to some girls, actually the other way around. "Are you stalking her?" I ask. I might have agitated her. Her eyes set on fire as she replies, "Oh hell no, your girlfriends are texting me, I should be worried for my safety, who knows, maybe you gave them my address already, because they seem to know an awful lot about us."

Those words shock me, this is the first time she's ever expressed anger towards me. Now that I'm getting famous, girls tend to notice me and my looks, and Chloe happened to "aim and shoot".

"What?" I utter, not wanting to give any explanations. "You invite me to prom, and then decide to take another girl! What type of a person are you? Then I had to cover for your psycho ass. Without me, Chloe wouldn't have even noticed you; I got you the fame you have now! I won't hold that against you but don't treat me like I've never done anything for you. You're so self-centred!" she says when Cilio comes and interrupts. "Yo, bro, heard you got laid!" he says. He just added fuel to the fire, Scarlet looks at me in disgust and walks away.

Scarlet's POV

This idiot stood me up for...my day gets even better a group of girls disrupts my thoughts. "So we saw your pictures on IG and you looked so great." I'm thinking, duhh I have a model figure, what you expect but I'm saying, "Thanks, I didn't know you saw them." I am saved by the bell and walk to class.

I'm so dumb, I let him play me for fame, can I be any dumber? "Scarlet, you can answer." I look at Tracy hoping she gives me the answer but she doesn't. "No." I respond. "Good..." the teacher says, and a bunch of other words that I don't bother paying attention to come out of her mouth. I should've just listened to Tracy when she said he was using me, now I'm looking like a fool.

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