Missing you

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Since I posted the pictures on my page, I've surpassed a thousand followers. My manager spoke to my aunt and she agreed that I could work with 9am. My manager spoke to them and they said they'd inform me if something came up because they were dealing with other candidates.

It's a cold gloomy weekend, reminds of the day I had a conversation with Scarlet. I pick up the phone and made a call. It went to voice mail. "Hey, just wanted to say good luck with your exams, and hopefully we'll have time to chill soon."

Somehow it's always cold and dim when we write exams. I stared down at my question paper hoping that when I turned it around and opened it, I wouldn't blackout and forget everything. I cleared my mind of distractions and lifted up my pen. "You may begin." The invigilator stated and I wrote my name, and began answering the questions. The other exams had been difficult but nothing I couldn't conquer. There's a knock. We all looked up at the great interruption. In my mind the door was opening in slow motion.

Light illuminated the doorway and slowly a figure entered; papers in hand. It's just my least favourite teacher, she stood in the doorway with the invigilator. I continued to write and there is someone at the door, just a few minutes later. I was so zoned in that I didn't look up until I heard the footsteps coming closer. I lift up my head. I saw Scarlet, she spoke to the invigilator. Fact was she didn't put my mind at ease. I thought about our "friendship". I even forgot the answer I had a second ago.

Days passed, then weeks and months. We've had a few conversations but not long, intimate ones. Their channel was getting more views and subscribers and they earned more followers, I did too. My manager was still promoting me, but I couldn't score a deal with 9am, because I was too late and should've taken the deal, when I found out about it. Life is, truly, a bitch. I was sitting in class, my eyes on the blank board. "So prom is coming soon and we just want to get you prepared, you know what I mean." The teacher announced. Everyone started discussing excitedly; we had a few weeks to prepare and a few weeks to get dates.

"So bro, who you taking out?" Cilio asked. I hadn't thoroughly thought about it, since I wasn't planning on going. But obviously I wasn't taking Jess. That left me with one option, Scarlet. I'd have to make it a surprise. It would be weird inviting her to 'senior prom'.


"You'll have to get the breast measurement, waist and shoulders. It would be easier if you just bring her here." The tailor said.

"I'll make an excuse to get her here, without giving away the surprise." I explain. My aunt was going all out for prom, because of two reasons; she ruined my opportunity and I finally want to go. "Is jy gelukkig?" (are you happy?) she asked me.

"Ja, but I need to get Scarlet here." I clarified.

I wasn't overwhelmingly excited for prom, but I'd make it memorable. We're at the parking lot, I was looking down at my phone, and someone had just hit me up. It's a girl named Chloe. I text back and check out her account. She is fine, like model fine. She's a lead cheerleader at a school near ours. She is so hot; I follow her and like her pictures and videos. She's also a senior.

"...can you meet me at, Bed of Roses Designs this afternoon?" Scarlet looks at me in confusion. She's surprised that I want to take there. "Why?" she asked. I already came up with an excuse. "We need to take your measurements, for an outfit for my music video. "It's short notice but I can try."

She makes a plan and we go to the tailor.

He took her measurements, "She's a beautiful one of a kind." He complimented. We smiled at each other. We left the store and we're both in a hurry to get to our homes, it's midweek, and we had work to do. "See you at school Scarlet." I say. My aunt hadn't met Scarlet and I hadn't met her parents.


Its break, the sun is shining brightly and prom is in a week. "So, is it possible for me to get your parents' numbers? You know for the dance we're doing soon." I ask Scarlet. She raises her eyebrows, "I can write them down for you or text you when I get home." I look at her and smile, "Both." I say and she writes them down on a piece of paper I'm likely to lose. I go to my smoking area. Weed tastes good when you're happy. How high was I going at prom? They probably won't allow alcohol, but there's definitely going to be an after party.

I had a gift bag for Scarlet. Inside there were a few things for her.

Scarlet's POV

He hands me a black gift bag with red polka dots. I open inside and there's a bunch of chocolates and a letter. "Be My Prom Date." It said then I looked up at him, and he lifted me up and gave me a bear hug. Tracy was standing next to me and had no idea what's just happened. I'm surprised that he wants to take me; I thought we were just friends.

Authors Note

Have you gone to prom or are you going to prom?

How do you think their prom is going to go?

I'm not going to lie; adrenaline was rushing through my body to finish this chapter just to get to the prom scene. Enjoy!!

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