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Before I start this story, I don't know a lot about eating disorders. I have had a few friends have them, and watching them suffer was the worst thing imaginable to me.

The main reason I write the stories I do is to put it out there that these issues are real, not some fairytale.

Also, for gods sake men can get eating disorders too. I never write my stories from a males perspective because, you know, I'm clearly not a male. But, they can have depression, anxiety, and everything associated with that matter. I get angry at the standards that men are held under. The ones where they can't cry, they can't have eating  disorders blah blah blah... please.

If you think that way, please just click off my profile. You'll be doing me a favor.

But, like I said, I know close to nothing about eating disorders other than the few instances with my friends.

For example, we traveled to Kentucky and we went to this huge restaurant at the hotel we were staying at. I ordered food and so did she, obviously.

I looked over, and she had only taken like 3 or 4 bites and she said she was full, but she claimed it was because she had eaten earlier, so I shook it off.

Long story short, she got the help she needed, but it's something that needs to be talked about, so I'm going to try my best.

And lastly, I don't know when I'm going to be starting this story. I'm going to try soon, but I don't know when soon will be ya know? So, sit tight I guess.

WAKE UP Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora