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I sat on the edge of my bed with my legs crossed, trying to get myself into that realm of calmness.

But, every single time I tried to enter that realm, my mind goes back to the moment of when I could have eaten that plate of food and I didn't.

My stomach felt like it was eating itself.

As if my stomach acid was at war with itself.

But I had to keep it going.

The streak.

Well, my streak.

It's been two days and my goal is three.

I can do that I think.

It's only twenty four hours more.

And then I can have a bite of whatever I want.

But, the bad thing is, I'm just going to have to shove my fingers down my throat to get it all out tomorrow.

So really the only thing I'll be tasting afterwards is my own flesh and vomit.

My head all of the sudden started pounding thinking about the memories of my head resting on the cold toilet.

I'm going to go get a drink.

I mean, water doesn't really have anything that could cause the numbers on the scale to go any higher right?

I untangled my legs and got up, realizing my meditation was pointless.

My door opened with the familiar swishing noise.

I walked, realizing my legs felt more weak as I continued this amazing streak that kept those numbers still, and if I am lucky, lowering the numbers on the scale.

The numbers that describe me.

The doors to the kitchen opened with the familiar swishing noise as well.

I opened the cabinet closest to the fridge and grabbed a small glass.

I then opened the freezer and took out exactly five ice cubes and I heard the sound of them dropping to the bottom of the glass.

I filled it up with water from our faucet, and began chugging it as if it were the last drink that would ever drip on my tongue.

"Did you just get done running a marathon?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around and saw it was Cyborg.

"Why would that concern you?" I put the glass back in contact with my lips.

"Sheesh, I was just wondering. You've been drinking a lot of water lately. I was just wondering if maybe you went on a jog or something." Cyborg huffed as he left me alone in the kitchen.

I sighed and took another sip of water, letting the cold liquid make itself to the empty pit of my stomach.

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