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"Popcorn is ready!" Cyborg yelled.

After dinner everyone wanted to watch a movie.

Well, I didn't, but I was kind of forced to.

Starfire begged me to.

I was on the end of the couch with my head resting on my hand, praying for each moment to go faster.

Beastboy sat down next to me with the bowl of popcorn on his lap.

The smell of the popcorn made my stomach growl but yet again I tried to cover it with clearing my throat.

In the corner of my eye I saw Beastboy's ear twitch and he looked over at me.

He held the bowl out for me to take.

"You want some?" he asked quietly. So quiet that nobody around us heard due to the argument about which movie was to be played.

"No I'm okay," I said just as quietly. "Thank you."

"You sure? There is plenty and it's really good." he offered again with a smile. "You didn't eat much Chinese."

"I'm okay. Seriously." I tried to get him to take his attention off of me.

"Okay." he said sounding defeated.
I know this is a super short chapter but literally fight me.

I had work today and the people were making me mad.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Love you.

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