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Looks are everything to a person.

Your looks define who you are, no matter who you are.

At least that's what I think.

"Hey Raven, are you not going to eat?" My head snapped up as I heard my name.

I looked around, then I figured out the source of the sound was Robin.

I looked at him, then looked down at my food. Scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles and orange juice.

I chewed on my lip, trying to think of a stupid excuse like I always did.

"You'd better. I slaved over that!" I heard Beastboy whine.

I looked over at him, slightly annoyed.

"How could you have slaved over it? Half of it is fake." I said in a low voice. He constantly was down my throat over every little thing possible.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and his ears drooped.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, trying to get the forming headache to go down.

"Anyway, I don't want to eat." I got up with my full plate of food.

"If you are the full, may I eat your plate?" Starfire asked.

I never said I was full, I said I didn't want to eat. There's a difference.

"Knock yourself out." I sat my plate in front of her and she immediately started eating.

My mouth began to water, eye balling at each fork full of food being shoved into the aliens mouth.

My stomach growled, but I covered it by clearing my throat.

"I need to meditate." I said quickly and quietly as I exited the room.
Hey! First chapter of this book! I hope you like it. And if you don't, oh well.

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