Chapter 29

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***Lainey's POV***

I heard my dad and Aunt Karen fighting all night long. Daddy wanted me to stay in Indianapolis, but I knew that I wanted to go back to Nashville. We were leaving tomrroe anyway, and I wasn't going to raise my child anywhere else other than Tennessee.

I walked downstairs this morning to get coffee. The kids were scattered all over my room. Elijah was in the bed with me, while Daisy was on the love seat I had in my room, and Penelopi was in the been bag chair. When I got to the kitchen, Dad handed me a cup of coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Fine" I say. Aunt Karen gave me a pop tart.

"You need to eat" She says.

"I know" I say taking small bite. "The kids are still asleep in my room".

"Well, let them stay. They need some rest too" Kimberly adds. I nod. I turn to look at Aunt Karen.

"When are we going back home?" I ask. She looked directly at my Dad.

"Lainey, you are home" He says. I instantly shake my head.

"No. I'm not staying here. I refuse" I say. He sighs.

"Baby, I know that you-".

"Dad, I am not living in Indianapolis. I'm not raising my child here. There is no way" I say.

"Lainey, this is-".

"This is where the love of my life was killed. This is where I was beaten and bruised and left for dead. I'm not letting my kid live here. I'm not letting my kid feel like a problem child. There is absolutely no way, and you're not going to stop me" I shout.

"Lainey, you're my kid. You do as I say" He retaliates.

"No, I don't. I'm an adult, and I wanna be in Nashville. I wanna be with Aunt Karen" I say and begin to sob. Aunt Karen wraps her arms around me.

"Lainey, it's okay" She says. I pull away.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. I love you so much, but it hurts too much to be here. This doesn't feel like home" I say. He bit his bottom lip.

"If...Aunt Karen and Uncle Jimi don't mind...and you're can move to Nashville" He says. I start sobbing again and go to hug him. He was fighting back tears. "My babygirl isn't a baby anymore, is she?".

"I'll always be your baby, daddy" I say. He nods and squeezed me tightly. I knew he didnt want me to go, but I needed too. I wasn't meant to be in Indy. I was meant for Nashville.

We flew to Nashville today. My dad came with us, but stayed in a hotel. I think he wanted to give me space because of my almost mental breakdown this morning. It was March 14th, so there was six days until Devin's funeral. I was informed when we got to Aunt Karen's that I was asked to come make a statement surrounding Devin's death on GMA on Monday morning. I didn't want too, but I agreed. I also went tomrrow for my 11 week checkup. I kept receiving s bunch of texts, DMs, tweets, and emails about Devin. Even from people I'd never met before. It was sweet, but odd to me.

I spent the majority of the day in my room just going through pictures and things of Devin and I. I was told to write something to say at his funeral and they needed some pictures. I hated having to do this, but it needed to be done. The only thing was, it didn't feel real. I felt like I was going to see him later when he picked up for a date. I kept feeling like we were going back on tour in a few days. It felt like he was going to meet me st our appointment tomrrow. It felt like he was going to raise our baby with me. It didn't feel like I was alone, but I was. It didn't feel like the tour was postponed. It didn't feel like I would have to live m life without the man I loved the most in this world. It didnt feel like Devin was gone, and let me tell you, there's nothing more that I wanted in the world than to see him again.

QOTC: do you all miss Devin?
comment below! love yall!

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