Roll Out For It

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Hoist and Grapple were working on the computers as Optimus walked in, "You wanted to see me?" Hoist nodded, "Yes, we found the cause of your episode today. Using wavelengths of different nexus' from multiple timelines, We found that the universe titled 5.4-2015 was destroyed along with many of it's inhabitants." Grapple stood up, "The worst part was the wavelength was felt in other universes too." Optimus nodded until they heard a proximity alert. The three ran outside as they saw Astrotrain and Skywarp. They aimed their guns at them until Skywarp held Scourge, "Admiral Optimus! Help him!" Prime rose a brow and walked to them, "What is the meaning of this? Astrotrain stood up, "Sir! We were attack at Wolf-359! Help Scourge! Hoist?! You survived?!" Hoist rose a brow as Optimus looked at them, "Nexus!" He grabbed Scourge as they rushed to medbay. They started working on him as he woke up. "Optimus! We were attacked! Some sorta dark Prime tried to kill us all." Optimus nodded as he helped Scourge up, "Don't worry. We'll help you three." Scourge hugged him as Prime patted his back. They all transformed and rolled out to understand what was going on until Optimus landed in front of them. Everyone stopped except for Prime who ran over the dark leader. He transformed and punched him, "You know what? You give Prime a bad name." The two slugged it out until Prime grabbed the dark leader's device to leave dimensions. The Others drove at them as Optimus pressed it. They all teleported away and into Earth -199999.5.

Tony was talking with Nat and Peter about it until they heard a boom outside and saw Skywarp and Scourge get thrown at them. They stopped themselves as they stood up and attacked the evil Optimus. Astrotrain and the OG Prime attacked with their blasters as Hoist and Grapple ran over. The three Avengers ran out as Prime saw them, "Hoist! Grapple! Get them to safety! He's coming for them!" Hoist transformed as the Avengers gasped, Grapple knelt down, "Get in and come with us!" They looked at each other as they jumped in. Hoist drove off as Grapple transformed and drove with them. The others blasted the Prime as they ran to the two builder bots and zapped away. They all arrived on a star-ship as they all stood separate from one another. The Avengers glared at the bots as Optimus knelt down, "It's okay. We felt a disturbance and we followed the evil Prime to your world. He will follow us if we don't get a move-on, he destroyed one universe already." Peter rubbed his jaw as Tony rose his brow. Natasha looked at Optimus and nodded, "Who are you?" The Transformers stood with Optimus as he stood up, "We're the Transformers. We are here to save the multiverse." Peter gasped, "It's real?" Scourge knelt down, "You're lookin' at three different earth's Spidey."

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