Chapter 4

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Taris was destroyed. But so was the Sith Fleet and the Jedi survived, so history was done the same. Grievous hoped he wouldn't change much of it, because this things may badly affect the present or worse. He knew that Revan failed. He knew that this Jedi survived. And he knew that the Jedi must die in this conflict so that a new order will be born. But he already altered the history by killing Malak... his thoughts were intrerupted when a new voice sounded on the Command Bridge.

'Who are you? How are these droids controling an alien ship?

The General looked at the young female jedi. She was very annoying.

'It was me who rescued you from those Sith and helped you survive so I expect at least some gratitude from you.

'A droid? I don't think so.

'Arghhhh! Shut you stupid mouth, Jedi scum!

'Why don't you make me?

'Hehehe... very well then. I hope you have your lightsaber.

'Attack... droid!

The general showed his two lightsabers and viciously began swinging around. He was going to make her pay for the insult. But he shouldn't kill her, not yet. He may have uses for her. Si he decided just to disarm her. She drew her blue weapon fast and began to defend herself. That droid was powerful and skilled, there was no doubt in that. But he lacked something essential. She prepared to make a Force push when he jumped around her and evaded it. She was stunned.

'Don't you think I don't know about your tricks Jedi!

'But that makes us different. For you see, I am a Force-user while you  are not.


He unfolded his second two arms and began rotating them. Then he attacked her with fury and rage. She was less than a match to him, and her style was so plain. Maybe he should awaken the dark side in her.

'So, know that you are saved, you should know that by leaving that planet, the Sith Fleet was able to bombard it, destroying the civilzation. How can you live with yourself after so much death you caused?

'But you told me to leave the planet!

'Well, I hope you realized this is not some Republic wreck. This is the Confederate Fleet of the CIS!


'The one who will crush your pitifull Republic underfoot!

'You lie!

The Jedi was starting to lose herself in the heat of her emotions. Grievous was laughing.

'Why do you laugh?

'You fail to see that you are falling for you emotions. I thought Jedi weren't allowed to do that.


Having enough, Grievous ended the duel by hitting his opponent , sending her flying in the wall. Her lightsaber was caught by the cyborg.

'Now that you are defeated, I think you will die. He said as he was approaching her.

'No, please!

Grievous stopped and threw her lightsaber at her.

'You have much to learn, young jedi. Now rise up! This was just a demonstration of our power. I hope you won't try to put yourself in a higher position than me.


'So, what's your name?he said in a carefull voice, like he was concerned.

'Bastila... Bastila Shan.

'Well, my dear Bastila, I've heard you possess a great power among the other Jedi.

'Yes, the battle meditation...

'I hope you will enlighten me with it's use. But now, you should rest. Know that you are on ally territory. Magnaguards, escort Bastila to her quarters.

'General... came the fearing voice of the Neimoidian captain.

'Yes, Nar Vunk...

The use of his name seemed to encourage him.

'Now that we have the Jedi, shall we go to Coruscant?

'No! I want to interrogate that Admiral, Karath I think. Show me his databanks.

'Yes, sir!

On the holo-projector, a full ID of the Admiral displayed. Saul Karath, second in command in the Sith Empire, concerning space battles. The destroyer of Telos, a cruel act made by him, was the test he had to fulfill to prove his loyalty to Revan. A very skilled tactician, he was a great admiral on the Republic side in the Mandalorian Wars. Grievous had enough. That bastard destroyed his home-planet and betrayed the Republic. But he surely knew the source of Revan's power! He needed to find that.

Now that he was informed, Grievous decided to visist the Prison Block of the ship. The admiral was there...

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