Chapter 14

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The Confederate fleet entered Serreno's orbit. Another Separatist fleet was guarding the planet. A droid commander contacted Grievoua immedeatily.

'Identificate yourself.

'Droid, this is Captain Nar Vunk with General Grievous. He can't speak unfortunately. He is heavily wounded.

'Very well. Count Dooku is looking for the General. He has been missing for 2 weeks.

'But we have only left for one week at best.

'Two standard weeks have passed since your strange departure sir. We have lost the Campaign in the Outer Rim. But now we are stable. A new Supreme Commander has been elected.

Grievous was angry. They dared replace him! He typed on the computer to the neimoidian: "I can't go to Dooku in this state, go explain him the situation, I'll go to my castle on Vassek.

'But sir, Dooku wants to see you now!

The droid hologram spoke as well:

'Yes, the Count wants immdeatly to talk to you.

Grievous glared, but he obeyed and went to the Hangar Bay. A protocol droid was waiting him with two magnaguards. He boarded his shuttle and went to the planet's surface.

The castle of the Sith Lord was very imposing, with big windows and rounded roofs. Grievous put his cape , or what remained of it after the skirmish on Dromund Kaas, and entered the Count's Command Room. Dooku was standing at his desk, with Ventress  and some droids at his side. He saw Grievous and stood up confused.

'Generaln where have you been? More importantly, what happened to your body?

The protocol droid responded:

'The General was preparing to travel to his next conquest, when the Neimoidian Captain typed wrong and he traveled through space and time.

'Where did you travel?

'The Old Republic era, in the time of the Jedi Civil War.


'We don't know. But when he entered a planet's orbit, he met the Sith forces of Darth Malak and Revan. He killed Malak and defeated Revan. After some journeys , he discovered how to return to our timeline. He traveled to Dromund Kaas to get fuel from the Reconstituited Sith Empire, from where he got his injuries. After forcing a Dark Councilor, Grievous obtained the fuel and he left for Serreno.

'Most impressive, General. You have killed several Sith of the old times. I would ask you more, but you lack the ability to speak. In your absence, Ventress acquired your position. When you are healed, you must take it back.

'The General would like to go to Vassek.

'Good. Go General. I assume the fleet is intact?

'His fleet is intact.

'Good! Farewell, General Grievous!

The General bowed, the left.

'Do you think you can keep your position, Ventress?

'That droid won't resist my powers!

The Soulless One entered Vassek's orbit. Grievous was amused. He will destroy Ventress easily. And then, he will get his r old position. His droid came to greet him.

'My lord, what has happened to you?

The General's facemask was missing his lower part and the left side was carbonized. His chest was crushed and cracked.

'You need a new armor! This one is a wreck! And a face mask! Come! We have much to replace and repair!

Grievous nodded and followed the Doctor Droid. After changing almost all his upper armor and head, he rose up shining as new.

'I can speak at last!

'Of course you can, my lord.

'I won't remain here anymore. I need to defeat Ventress.

'Goodbye, my lord!

Grievous jumped into his starfighter and departed to Serreno. When he reached the planet, he saw Admiral's Trench fleet along with his one. What was that spider doing?Grievous thought. He landed imediately and entered into the Count's quarters. Ventress was discussing with the Separatist Fleet Commander.

'Tsstst... I don't think you are able to lead our armies...tssstst.... General Grievous is the real mastermind. There it is.

'Greetings Admiral Trench.

'How are you General? I am gratefull you returned from your strange journey. We would have lost a very important leader amongst us.

'Thank you, Admiral! Ventress!

He ignited two of his lightsabers. Rotating them, he charged at the bald girl. He swinged his lightsaber but Ventress blocked the strike. He then slashed and hit Ventress defense very hard. The Dark Acolyte gathered her strenght and made a Force Push. Grievous resisted it and pushed Ventress into the wall. She flew in the thick dark brick, cracking it.  Grievous laughed while he was approaching her.

'You are a dead person, Assaj! Always the weakest of the CIS commanders! You are a failure!

He charged again but Ventress evaded it. Grievous began chasing her around the room. While parrying a strike, Grivous picked her face with his clawed foot and swinged her on the floor then he crashed her in the door. Ventress broke the it and hit the floor of the balcony. The General came outside and caught her throat, lifting her in the air. He began chocking her while keeping her above the depths of the ground below. Life began to seethe away from her.


Count Dooku's voice startled him.

'Let her down!

Grievous threw her at the feet of the Count.

'This is your puny apprentice. She is nothing compared to me!

'You are right! I welcome you back, Supreme Commander.

Grievous laughed soundly...

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