Chapter 15

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'This is it, Dooku!

Grievous' raspy voice startled the Count.

'This is the way to win the war!

'What do you mean, General?

'It seems everyone has forgotten about the old Star Forges of the Rakatan Empires.

'Because the last ones have been destroyed...

'No they weren't! I prevented the destruction of one of them. And we know it's location!

'What have you done, Grievous?

'Don't you see, Count? If you would channel your Force into the Forge and I would introduce some new schematics, we could upgrade the Space Station to build entire fleets! And then we will double all our army! We would crush the Republic scums!

Count Dooku seemed to think deep.

'You have a good idea, General. But I need my master approval to do this.

'No! Don't announce Lord Sidious. Let's give him a gift! If we build a huge fleet in some weeks and start conquering some planets, we may impress him.

'You have became smarter after this journey. Let's go to Rakata then.

'Should I take the Malevolence schematics?

'Yes... if one Malevolence could have been such an indestructable flagship for the Republic, imagine entire fleets made of them.

Grievous laughed darkly.

The two separatist leaders were on the Invisible Hand's deck. This time, the ilustrious Admiral Mar Tuuk was commanding the ship.

'So, Count, where are we going?

'Rakata system. I think I already patched the coordinates from my castle.

'Yes you did , Count. But why are we going there?

'You will see.

'Jump in Hyperspace already! Grievous demanded.

'Immediatly, Grievous. You don't need to be so angry.

The Flagship jumped into Hyperspace. After a long journey from the Outer Rim to the surrounding of the Core of the Galaxy, they reached Rakata.

Grievous laughed.

'There it is, Count Dooku! The Star Forge!

To Dooku's surprise, the legendary factory was actually orbiting Rakata. They had much to do.

'Mar Tuuk, I brought you here to present this magnificent piece of technology.

'That old Space Station? Why is it so special?

'Because it can build fleets in no time. You know the Malevolence?

'Of course. I would have wanted to command that ship... if it survived.

Grievous growled angrily.

'Now... Dooku continued... imagine if we had a fleet Malevolences!

'That would be unstopabble ideed. But we can't build them. It takes too long and too much money.

'That's why we are going to use the Star Forge to achieve this. Grievous brought the schematics of the ship. Now, let's go to it.

The Invisible Hand docked the huge Space Station. After entering an old hall, some droids appeared.

'These are Rakatan Security Guards. Who are you, tresspasers?

'We are old friends of your former masters.

'Lord Revan? But he is dead.

'Now, the Star Forge will have a new master.

Dooku focused and used his Force Power to control the CPU of the factory. It crushed his mind for a bit, but then he focused his anger into it. The Space Station was impressed. It allowed Dooku access in the end.

'You did it, Count! The Forge has accepted you.

'Greetings, Lord Dooku! The droid said.

'I want the Star Forge to resume the process of creating starships. But I have some new schematics of them.

'Implement them and the Star Forge will start producing them.

Grievous approached the big computer and introduced the data disks. After one minute of processing, the droids responded:

'We are begining production now. We will start creating 7 Malevolence-class Starships.

'When shall it be ready?

'Two weeks. We will be waiting you, Lord Dooku! Until someone more powerfull will take your place.


The three returned to the Invisible Hand. Mar Tuuk was sceptical:

'Two weeks?! 7 Malevolences? It is impossible.

'Don't question the Dark Side of the Force, Admiral. We will see. Until then, go resume your blockade on Cristhpophis.

'Very well! Goodbye, Count. General.

Mar Tuuk left the Command Deck for a shuttle. Grievous said:

'We shouldn't let any Republic or CIS forces know of this. Bringing Mar Tuuk here was a bad idea.

'But then how will they know of our source of the ships?

'They will find out in time... but not now, when we just took control of it. The Republic may find out and they know it's position.

'Very well.

'We may not even need the Separatist Council. In time , our fleet may become invincible and we won't have to support the greedy corporate leaders.

'We shall see. Let's go then. We will return here in two weeks.

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