Exams and falls.

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Okay so maybe procrastination usually isn't the best idea, do I know that? Yes. Will I still do it? Yes. Does it hurt me sometimes? Well it is right now.

Ever since I stumbled on the world of coding, computers, the digital world of programming, binary computer language, hacking and many other beautiful aspects of the geeky world, I never looked back. At just twelve years old I'd stumbled onto this world of beauty, by 13 I knew the hidden features of my computer, ran all my systems maintenance on a schedule, and could understand any resource usage.

By 14 I could develop a program algorithm to solve any kind of problems, I could override a trojan horse and most malwares. By 15 I could crack passwords of computers, Wi-Fi networks WPA and WEP, and through my knowledge I could keep out others like me through my strong encryptions. By 16 I could bypass any firewalls including my feat of free Netflix at least till they catch me which is going to take a long time. By 17 I developed my first software which is actually what I used in my college application to get accepted into my program.

I carry a full load as a student, enrolled in an accelerated program which allows me to earn a Bachelors and Master's degree in just five years. I also double major in Computer Science as well as Cybersecurity. I also take some Computer Engineering classes so I'm not just vast in the programming aspect but also the hardware part too.

I didn't know how special all of these was as it was just a passion of mine that I continued to harness. Until a year ago I'd noticed this lady and gentleman everywhere I went for like two days in a row. When it got very unsettling I'd called Dash and the security guys were able to catch these two while they lurked around our house. Turns out they were NSA agents and were particularly courting me in hopes of snagging me and my talents upon graduation from my program.

Thing is, the few times I've gotten to show people the wonderful things you can make your computer do, they've always been fascinated like a little kid witnessing a magic trick being performed. I love having that effect on people and ultimately teaching them how to do it too, okay maybe not the free Netflix part. My dream has always been to teach these things to people and so the ultimate goal is to be a college professor.

Anyways back to the procrastination aspect, it's finals week and I've been doing pretty well for the most part. I've been doing some of these things for years so learning them more in-depth now just makes sense. Well up until now.

My last exam of the semester is advanced programming language II, it's by far the hardest class that I've ever take till date. Unlike the first installment when we focused on the usual programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, CPL, Cobra among others. In II we deal with the very unusual codes that just mess up with my mind. There's the polite language aka Intercal, there's Malbolge, there's the April Fools' language aka Whitespace and these languages just mess up my head.

I should have been studying prior to finals rolling in but no I didn't and I came back to bite me in the butt.

My exam was slated for Monday so I had Friday afternoon through Monday morning to get my cramming on and understand what in the bajeezus is going on in this class.

Close to 72 hours, I haven't slept a wink, I don't know the last time I ate something, I'm groggy, I'm tired, I feel like a zombie, I haven't used my iron pills in like two weeks. I can't stop studying cause I need to get this down, I can't fail this class and that's what I keep using to push myself to the limit and whatever is beyond the limit.

When Monday morning rolls around I leave my room dressed in clothes that don't even match and two oddly paired socks. I can't even find my phone so I'm leaving without it. Fatigued and exhausted I make my way downstairs to grab a cup or three of coffee before heading to my exam hall.

"You're here?" Bess asks as I pass by her on the steps. I don't stay at Dash's during exams for some reason. I think it has to do with the fact that my bedroom here has always been my safe place in my most vulnerable times and so I tend to gravitate back to where I spent my childhood years.

"Yeah. Exam. Coffee." I mumble out. Understandably I never left the room over the weekend so she didn't know I returned home.

"I'll get you some, you look like shit Marco." She hurries towards the kitchen but not before pushing me on the couch to take a seat. "Here you go honey. Let me grab some breakfast for you."

"Not hungry Bess, gotta go." I hoist my backpack on and make my way to the door.


"How was the exam Marco?" Conrad asks me as we leave the hall. He's one of the few people that I actually do talk to, he's a nice guy.

"Okay I guess." My words slur, for a second it's like everywhere suddenly seems brighter and then it dims right back up like the flash of a very bright light. My world starts spinning as I feel extremely lightheaded and exhausted. I can't hold myself up and I feel my body going down.

"Marco dude are you okay... shit you're falling....I've  got..." It's like slow motion and everything just starts to fade away as the exhaustion completely overwhelms me.

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