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Tipsy: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

Tipsy: *Pulls out a letter from the mailbox*

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Oh okay...

Ann: I'm going out Tips.

Tipsy: Wait. Before you go what is your opinion on the AT Ann?

Ann: Oh that Ann? She's very smart and logical. Okay i'm off now. Bye!

Tipsy: Goodbye!

Miles: Hello Tipsy

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Miles: Hello Tipsy.

Tipsy: Hey Miles. What's your opinion on AT Ann? Oh hey NooNoo.

NooNoo: Good morning.

Tipsy: What is your opinion on AT Ann?

NooNoo: Um... I guess she seems kind.

Miles: She is a caring person at times.

Bella: *Makes cute noises*

Bella: *Makes cute noises*

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Tipsy: Aw... how cute.

Miles: We know. She has been making those noises ever since we brought her home with us. Which reminds me... there will be some days where we both go out together... me and NooNoo. So if you or anyone is willing to take care of her then that would be fine. Or we could drop her off to NooNoo's mothers place.

Tipsy: Okay then. Thank you for your time. Take care you two.

Both Miles and NooNoo: Your welcome Tipsy.

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