Tipsy's secret. Part 2.

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Page 2: March 8 1999.

They found me and harmed me. They had punched, strangled and kicked me in response when they put me back in my cell. They have been killing me slowly and painfully. I overheard them talking to themselves about rape and hanging me. I looked everywhere for a way to escape. I saw a vent but I was not able to reach it. It was at lest 8 feet. I decided to look around again but that was the only thing there was in the room despite the door they enter to come and test me. As well as a bed that was right beside me.

They entered my room with a rope and handcuffs. Oh God! Help me! Please!

Walten: Where are you going?

Ron: I don't think I want to be apart of this anymore.

Ron: I don't think I want to be apart of this anymore

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Walten: Oh well... might as well continue myself then.

Page 3: March 9 1999.

They were done with me and now they are going to hang me. I was weak and sore. They were dragging me to another room with the rope around my neck. They dragged me by my arms. 

Soon I was thrown in a dark room with... blood... blood everywhere. On the walls, the ceiling, the floor. One of them came in and pulled on the rope. I couldn't breath. I was dying! Someone please! Make it stop!

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